Timeline 4: The Romantic Era (1810s-1890)

  • Period: to

    Luigi Cherubini

  • Period: to

    Ludwig van Beethoven

    Was a German composer and pianist, his music is very important in music history and is an icon in our present culture. He established the heroic topic in orchestral music and was transitional between classicism and romanticism.
  • Period: to

    E.T. A Hoffman

  • Period: to

    Carl Maria von Weber

  • Period: to

    Gioachino Rossini

    Was an Italian composer who was most famous in the early 19th century for his 39 operas, choral music, & vocal works. He set new standards for comedic & serious operas.
  • Period: to

    Franz Shubert

    Austrian composer who created a genre of artistic and dramatic Lieder. Had many expansive melodies that frequently modulated, he wrote over 600 Lieder, 9 symphonies, chamber music, piano works, 13 operas and choral music. He had a lot of work that was unfinished.
  • Period: to

    Hector Berlioz

    Was a French composer, conductor, writer, and innovator. He wrote many orchestral works, operas, chamber music, tone poems, etc. he was the leading French musician in his day his works embody the romantic era.
  • Period: to

    Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

    Had the same training as Felix Mendelssohn in which they grew up together in Berlin Germany. Since she was a woman she was often discouraged from composing, she married and then composed more. She wrote over 250 lieder, 28 choral works and chamber music.
  • Period: to

    Felix Mendelssohn

  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    It started in 1812 on the infringement of Amirian and British trading rights. War had resulted in 1,600 British deaths and 2,260 American ones. The Star Spangled Banner was actually written by one of the prisoners in captivity
  • Stylistic Traits

    The style of the Romanic era included very strong romantic emotional content. Longing was a very strong feeling of the romantic era. Programmatic music became popular and expressed dramatic situations and emotions without using sung text. There were large scale productions, use or chromatic movement, rubato, rondo, and loads of dynamics.
  • Period: to

    Frederic Francois Chopin

    He was a Polish/French composer and pianist. He was very innovative on the piano and invented new piano techniques. His music had a lot of character and it is why he is still very famous today. He wrote many piano concertos, chamber music with piano and piano sonatas.
  • Incidental Music

    Music in a play, on TV, radio jingle, video game, movies, or presentations.
  • Period: to

    Franz Liszt

  • Absolute Music

    Music wit no Programmatic or literary connections, just music and no story.
  • Genres of the Romantic Period

    Genres often found in the Romantic period are Opera, Lieder, Concertos, Tone Poems, Ballets, Sonatas, Symphonies, and Oratorios
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was announced in the US to prevent further European colonization in which it prohibited the US from involving themselves in European Politics to stop Europe's influence on the US's government.
  • Typewriter was invented

  • Period: to

    Johannes Brahms

    Was an Austrian composer. Very well known as "classic-romantic" Had a very strong knowledge of the musical past. he is often grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach, and Ludwig van Beethoven, "three B's of music" Brahms wrote 4 symphonies, concertos, choral music, chamber, lieder, German Requiem, piano works and other orchestral works.
  • Period: to

    Georges Bizet

  • Saxophone was Invented