Formation of The Disney Brothers Studios
This date is considered to be the start of the Disney company, created by Walter and Roy Disney, originally known as The Disney Brothers Studios and later known as the Walt Disney Studios. -
Steamboat Willie
Steamboat Wille is released, marking the very first Mickey Mouse cartoon. Mickey Mouse is the most iconic character ever created by The Walt Disney Studios. -
Full-Length Animation
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first ever full-length animated film, is released. They had accomplished what was once thought impossible. -
The Walt Disney Studios starts creating anti-nazi propaganda videos. In addition, they made flims urging Americans to join the war and pay taxes. -
The United States gets involved in WW II as a result of the Japenses surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. -
Treasure Island
Treasure Island, Disney's first completley live action movie is released. -
The first ever Disney park, Disneyland, opened in Anaheim, California. -
Walt Disney's Death
Walt Disney passed away from lung cancer. He never got to see the opeing of Disney World. -
Disney World
Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida. -
Roy Disney's Death
Roy Disney, co-founder with his brother Walt, passed away from an epileptic seizure. -
Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland, first international Disney theme park, opened. -
Disney Buys Pixar
The Walt Disney Company buys Pixar Animation Studios. Since combining, they have created many award winning films.