
  • U.S. Govt under the contitution begins.

    U.S. Govt under the contitution begins.
    Washington was inaugurated. Suggestions for addressing the president include 'Excellency" and "highness"
  • First Census

    First Census
    U.S. population totals 3.9 million. FIrst petition to emancipate slaves is submitted by Quakers.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was ratified and became part of the cosnstitution.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Washintgton and Adams are re-elected president and vice president.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion is when farmers in Pennsylvania protested the tax on whiskey, and then was put down by federal troops.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    After two years Washington leaves the presidency to John Adams. John Adams defeated his opponent Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson ended up becoming Vice President.
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    Of 1789-1800 begins when France attempts to bribe U.S. commissioners in Paris, sparking the building tensions between the nations.
  • George Washington Died

    George Washington Died
    George Washington died in Virginia at age 67 (born 1732). After this began the cherry tree myth. Patrick henry also died at age 63 (born in 1736)
  • Second Census

    Second Census
    U.S. population totals 5.3 million. I
    ncluding one million African Americans, of whom 900,000 are enslaved.
  • The 12th Amendment.

    The 12th Amendment.
    The Twelfth Amendment was ratified, this meant that The election of President and Vice President would be separate.
  • Barbary War Begins

    Barbary War Begins
    Tripoli declared war on the United States, causing Thomas Jefferson to send U.S. ships to the Mediterranean sea.
  • Ban on Slave Trade

    Ban on Slave Trade
    The importation of slaves was banned by congress because it was a requirement in the constitution. Soon after that the Embargo Act was passed because The French and British interference with U.S. trade.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    James Madison was elected President. George Clinton who was a Democratic Republican was re-elected for vice president.
  • The Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal
    The construction began on the erie canal (which was later completed in 1825.) The Erie canal connects the great lakes an the Ohio And Mississippi Valleys with the Hudson river which flows into the Altantic Ocean.
  • First Seminole War.

    First Seminole War.
    War begins with attacks on settlers in Florida and Georgia. New York Stock Exchange is established.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Jefferson and Burr (Democratic-Republican) tie for president, defeating Adams and Pinckney (federalist.)
  • Fourth Census

    Fourth Census
    U.S. population totals 10 million, including 1.7 million afircan americans of whom 1.5 million are enslaved
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Passed by congress; allows admission of and Missouri as a slave state, and bans slavery in Loisinana territory.
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Monroe and Tompkins are re-elected president and Vice President. Maine after entered the union as the 23rd state.
  • Monroe Doctirne

    Monroe Doctirne
    Europe is warned not to interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs. Cotton Mills begin production in Lowell, Massachusetts, with water-powered machinery.