My Personal Timeline

By Spooshy
  • Grayson was born

    I was born I was named after my parents favorite singer at the time.
  • My brother was born

    My younger brother Hayes was born my most annoying brother was born.
  • I had a house fire

    In my house fire, my cat died but my dog survived and lived a little longer than it died because of smoke in their lungs.
  • I started soccer

    I started playing for CRSA and met many friends and have had a lot of fun but we still have to take it seriously.
  • I got a new cat

    I got a cat and his name is diesel I'm his favorite person and he meows a lot at my bedroom door when I'm at my dad's.
  • I got a new dog

    Her name is Layla and she's a german shepherd mix she's a troublemaker she makes my mom mad but everyone loves her.
  • Covid started here in Iowa

    I was in Chicago and when I came back covid had started on my birthday :(
  • My second youngest brother was born

    One of my three brothers Youseff was born and it is hard and annoying trying to deal with a toddler.
  • My youngest brother was born

    My youngest brother Ramy was born he's starting to crawl I was at my dad's when he was born my mom was gifted with four sons even though she wanted a daughter.