timeline 2

By camdyns
  • american independence

    american independence
    The thirteen American colonies declared independence from Great Britain, citing grievances against King George III and asserting the right to self-govern. Drafted primarily by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration laid the foundation for the United States as a sovereign nation.
  • George Washington Becomes First U.S. President

    George Washington Becomes First U.S. President
    George Washington was unanimously elected as the first President of the United States, setting important precedents for the new office. His leadership helped stabilize the fledgling government and established a strong executive branch.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States, under President Thomas Jefferson, acquired approximately 828,000 square miles of territory from France for $15 million. This purchase doubled the size of the nation and opened up vast areas for westward expansion.
  • Period: to

    war of 1812

    Fought between the United States and Great Britain, the War of 1812 stemmed from issues like trade restrictions and impressment of American sailors. It ended with the Treaty of Ghent, restoring pre-war borders but boosting American nationalism.
  • Missouri commprimise

    Missouri commprimise
    The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state, maintaining the balance between free and slave states. It also established a geographic boundary (36°30' latitude) for future slavery expansion in the western territories.
  • Texas revolution at the alamo

    Texas revolution at the alamo
    The Texas Revolution was a conflict between Texas settlers and the Mexican government, leading to Texas' independence from Mexico. The Battle of the Alamo became a symbol of resistance, where Texan defenders fought bravely against a larger Mexican force.
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    mexican-american war

    The war was fought between the United States and Mexico over territorial disputes, particularly regarding Texas and the U.S. desire to expand westward. It ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, leading to the U.S. acquiring present-day California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of several other states.
  • dred Scott desicion

    dred Scott desicion
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott case that African Americans, whether free or enslaved, were not U.S. citizens and had no right to sue in federal court. This decision further inflamed tensions over slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    american civil war

    The Civil War erupted between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy) primarily over the issue of slavery. The war ended with the Union's victory, the abolition of slavery (13th Amendment), and significant social and political changes in the U.S.
  • completion of transcontinental railroad

    completion of transcontinental railroad
    The Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads met at Promontory Summit, Utah, completing the first railroad across the United States. This achievement greatly facilitated westward expansion and connected the country from coast to coast.