Timeline 2

By 91368
  • Hitler

    Hitler started to defy the Treaty of Versaillies which ended WWI.
    He also built up a army and air force. Hitlers goal was to end the Great Depression, which made him powerful.
  • Maginot Line

    Maginot Line
    It was a seperation between Germany and all the other countries so the French and Germans could attemp a sneak attack.
  • Anschluss

    Hitler sent troops into Austria to announce the unification of Austria and Germany
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Britian and France agreed to Hilter's demands. A ploicy known as a appeasement made it so that they could make concessions in exchange for peace.
  • Danzig

    Hitler demaned the providence of Danzig to be returned to German control. Hilters new demands concinced Britain and France that they had to go to war.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Used large number of madd tanks. Also can be known as the lighting war
  • Czechoslovakia

    Hilter demaned for the Sudetenland. Conference in Munich gave Hitler the right to the land but soon after Hilter invaded all of Czecholovakia.
  • Nazi- Soviet pact

    Nazi- Soviet pact
    German officials asked for a nonaggression treaty with the Soviets.
  • Poland, Britian, France

    Poland, Britian, France
    Germany invaved Poland first. Making Britain and France declare war on Germany. This was the start of WWII.
  • Poland Fell

    Poland Fell
    Poland couldnt repel the fight against Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    An all out air- battle to destroy Royal Air Force, Against Germany and the British.
  • The evacuation of Dunkkirk

    The evacuation of Dunkkirk
    The British were the operation of the whole things. They did it so that they could rescue 45,000 troops.
  • French Surrender

    French Surrender
    They did in the same railway car as Germans did. It happened at the end of WWI.