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Timeline 1876-1900

  • Great Chicago Fire

    Great Chicago Fire
    The Great Chicago fire was a fire that burned from October 8th of 1871 to October 10th of 1871 and is estimated to have killed approximately 300 people, destroyed over 17 thousand buildings, and to have cost over 200 million in damages.
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention, the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell patents his invention, the telephone
    On March 7th of 1876, Alexander Graham Bell receives the patent for his invention, the telephone. The first message ever carried by telephone was by Bell, who told his assistant, "Mr.Watson, come here, I need you".
  • The Battle of the Little Bighorn

    The Battle of the Little Bighorn
    On June 25th of 1876, Native Americans led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeat the U.S Army in the battle of the Little Bighorn. It is considered to be the worst U.S Army defeat during the Plain Wars and gave Native Americans the peak to their power during the 19th century.
  • James A. Garfield's death

    James A. Garfield's death
    On July 2nd, 1881, President James. A Garfield was shot in the back by Charles Guiteau. He died on September 19th, 1881, from blood poisoning and infection from the bullet wound.
  • Charles Guiteau is Hanged in D.C

    Charles Guiteau is Hanged in D.C
    On June 30th, 1882, Charles Guiteau was hanged in Washington, D.C, found guilty for assassinating the president at the time, James A. Garfield. An insanity defense was raised, but the jury took less than an hour to return a guilty verdict.
  • 1888 Election

    1888 Election
    On November 6th, of 1888, Benjamin Harrison wins the election to the presidency against Grover Cleveland and becomes the 23rd President of the United States.
  • Vincent Van Gogh's death

    Vincent Van Gogh's death
    On July 29th of 1890, Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter, dies at the age of 37 to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. He only sold one painting in his lifetime, titled "The Red Vinyard" and struggled with poverty. He began to experience psychosis in the last few years of his life. Van Gogh's paintings are now worth over 300 million dollars.
  • Yosemite becomes a designated park

    Yosemite becomes a designated park
    On October 1st of 1890, U.S Congress designated Yosemite as a National Park. 26 years prior to its designation, President Lincoln signed the Yosemite Land Grant, protecting the Mariposa Grove and Yosemite Valley.
  • William McKinley's Inauguration

    William McKinley's Inauguration
    On March 4th of 1897, William McKinley is inaugurated as the 25th United States president. Under his leadership, the United States went to war against Spain after the mysterious explosion of the U.S.S Maine.
  • U.S.S Maine Explosion

    U.S.S Maine Explosion
    On February 15th, 1989, the American battleship U.S.S Maine explodes in Havana's Habor in Cuba, sparking America to go to war with Spain. The cause of the explosion is unknown and killed 260 of the American crewmembers on board.