
Timeline: 1850- 1861

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a story written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The story was about an enslaved African American life. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a great seller except, the North and South saw Stowe’s story as a misrepresentation of slavery. The south particularly didn’t like it because it made them look like the bad guy. The story increased the tension between the North and the South because slavery was a controversial debate at the time.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    The Republican Party was partially made to expand slavery more into the United States territories after the Kansas–Nebraska act. This Party was supported by the northerners. Since slavery was still fought between the south and the north, the tensions only kept increasing.
  • Kansa-Nebraska act

    Kansa-Nebraska act
    The Kansas-Nebraska act influenced popular sovereignty, repealed the the Missouri Compromise, and created two new territories which were Kansas and Nebraska. This act influenced Bleeding Kansas, which was a war between the pro and anti-slavery groups who faught over the new territory of Kansas legalizing or illegalizing slavery. This increased the tensions between the South and the North because it was a war between slave states which was a huge issue!
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas, was a war between the pro and anti-slavery groups who fought over the new territory of Kansas legalizing or illegalizing slavery. Located in Lawrence, a hotel and a newspaper station were burned down by john brown and his men in response to the Kansas-Nebraska act and slavery. This increased the tensions between the south and the north and also increased the possibility of a civil war.
  • Brooks-Sumner

    In the speech, Sumner declared that he saw African Americans as equal citizens and deserved equal protection and rights. Brooks did not like Sumner's speech so he attacked Sumner with a cane. Brooks's attack injured Sumner severely. Although Brooks never got into a lot of trouble because of the attack, he was just fined. This attack didn't help with the tensions between the north and the south, it only divided them even more on slavery.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    The 1856 election was a fight between James Buchanan, John C. Fremont, and, Millard Fillmore. This election was going to be the last election where a democratic was elected as president. Since the Democratic party didn’t want to abolish slavery, and a democratic was voted into the government, it created even more tension between the South and North due to the continuous issue of slavery.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Fred Scott was an African American man who traveled to a different state due to his owner passing. Under the Missouri compromise a slave was free in the northern states but not free in the South. Scott argued he was a free citizen because he previously lived in a free state. The two courts were split. Scott could not ever become a citizen. The Supreme court declared the act of congress and the Compromise unconstitutional which increased tension between the north and south states over slavery.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    The Lecompton Constitution is a document that wants to legalize slavery. If the document passed, it would only legalize slavery in Kansas territories. The North republicans did not like the Constitution but the Southern Democrats supported it.
  • House Divided speech

    House Divided speech
    In the speech, Lincoln states that the United States can't be half free and half slavery because it causes a lot of tension. He claimed that there is going to be a decision on whether slavery is legal or not because he doesn't want the union to dissolve. The North and the South would not be able to make the decision due to their different views on slavery.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    The Lincoln-Douglas debates were 7 political arguments/debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. The debates were about the idea of slavery being extended into more territories as well as whether different states should have their own laws about slavery. The tensions between the North and the South continued to grow since both groups' opinions on slavery could not be agreed upon.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    A group of 21abolitionist, guided by John Brown attacked the federal armory/military at Harper's ferry. Brown felt that if he rebelled, he could put an end to slavery. Sadly, 10 of Brown's men were killed and this attack only increased the tensions between the North and South states because of an abolitionist killing and injuring slave owners, this also led to the Civil War.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown was not like any abolitionist member who was a part of the movement. Brown liked violence and believe the violent actions would stop slaveholders and any government officials who supported slavery. Browns actions increased the tension between the North and South because an abolitionist who was very patriotic with his beliefs fought and was willing to die to stop slavery.
  • Election 1860

    Election 1860
    The 1860 election was an electoral fight between Abraham lincoln, John Breckenridge, John Bell, and, Stephen Douglas. The election cause a lot of issues like the secession of 1861, which caused the tension between the union and the states to increase and the debate on slavery being abolished or not.
  • Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address

    Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address
    In Lincoln's 1st inaugural address, Lincoln stated that he did not want to have a civil war and he wanted a Union. He made sure that the south knew he wouldn't take the slaves away from them. Lincoln's goal was to make both sides happy.
  • Secession

    Secession - April 12, 1861
    The succession of 1861 was when 11 slave states went away from the Union. This was due to the southern states fearing that the Republicans would abolish slavery. The southern states succeeded in the Union to protect their state’s rights. This was after Abraham Lincoln became president. Secession brought about the civil war due to tension between the north and south about slavery.