Timeline: 1800-1876 By: Anavya Jernian

  • Period: to

    Timeline: 1800-1876

  • The US Library of Congress

    The US Library of Congress was founded.
  • John Adams

    John Adams was the first president to live in the White House.
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall is appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • Thomas Jefferson is elected

    Thomas Jefferson is elected president. His opponent, Aaron Burr, becomes his vice president because there was a flaw in the electoral college votes.
  • Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated

    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as the third president of the United States.
  • New York Post

    The first edition of New York Post is published
  • Ohio is annexed

    Ohio becomes the 17th state to be added to the US.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson pays 15 million dollars for Louisiana. This purchase doubles the US in size.
  • New Jersey's Abolition

    New Jersey is the last northern state to ban slavery.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark were ordered by Thomas Jefferson to explore Louisiana.
  • The death of Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton is killed in a duel between him and Aaron Burr.
  • Jefferson is re-elected

    Jefferson is re-elected as president over his opponent, Charles Pinckney
  • The National Road

    This road was approved by the president. It ran through three states: Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
  • Aaron Burr's crimes

    Aaron Burr is convicted of treason.
  • The ban of importing slaves

    The importation of slaves is outlawed.
  • James Madison is elected

    James elected for president of the United States. He defeated his opponent, Charles Pinckney.
  • James Madison is inaugurated

    James Madison is inaugurated as the 4th president of the US.
  • James Madison asks permission to join War of 1812

    James asks Congress permission to declare war on Great Britain.
  • Great Britain sets up blockades

    Before Congress could give James Madison permission to declare war on Great Britain, Great Britain set up blockades on the US.