Timeline 18.1 & 18.2

  • The French Revolution Begins

    Started due to the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI and the unfair power of the French monarchy.
  • King Louis XVI gets executed and the Reign of Terror begins

    King Louis XVI and his wife were executed because of Louis XVI's unfair rule and how he ignored France's financial and economic problem which angered the poor and middle class of France.
  • Napoleon lead coup d'état that topples French government

    Napoleon took over France and named himself emperor of the nation. With his military skill he easily invaded many surrounding territories.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon hoped to invade Russia to stop them from trading with the British in order to have more power.
  • Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon went into battle over confident but then soon got overwhelmed by Russia and their powerful allies. This led to the defeat of Napoleon and ended his reign.