First contiental congress
The First Continental Congress went from September 5, 1774 to october 26, 1774, and was located in carpenters hall philedelphia. this evet marks the beginning of the united states goverment, this is also how it affected the world. The united states government sparked several revoltuions in the european area. -
American Revolution
American Revolution
The American revolution is the series of battle leading up to the current U.S. government. the American Revolution lasted until 1783. However in 1778 France had joined the war making it more world wide. This war is also important to world history because it sparked several other revolutions such as the french revolution. -
French Revolution
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a war in France fighting for a change in government, the French wanted a democracy similar to America. This event was inportant to world history because it had a great effect on philosophers and and politicians, these effected philosophers every where and the ideas spread even more. -
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
The industrial Revolution was the time between 1820 and 1870 where technology began to advance and manufacturing became more efficient. This time had a major effect on world economy. When things like the cotton gin were invented the technology quickly spread all over and inceased production, Making a lasting effect on productivity. -
Invention of Morse Code
Morse Code was a method of communication using dots and dashes invented by samuel morse in 1836. The method was not widely used until after the telegraph was invented. This impacted the world in that over 160 years later the method is still widely used my many. -
Discovery of the Bessemer Process
The Bessemer Process was the first inexpensive and productive process for iron. This had a massive effect on the world economy because there was now a very cheap and efficient way to produce steel which allowed huge buildings to be built which also created jobs all around the world. -
Birth of Hitler
Hitler was born on the 20th of april in 1889 in a small austrian town. this is important to world history because hitler would grow up to be a te man to lead the genocide of millions of jews. ad cause world war 2. -
Titanic Sinking
Titanic sinking
This is the famous event of the massive ship Titanic hitting an iceburg a nd sinking, less than a third of the passengers surived. this is important to world history in that the ship held passengers from many countries and families all over were destroted by this disaster. -
assination of archduke franz ferdinad of austria
The Assination of Archuduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was the first event in a series that led up to the first world war. This is a very important day because it sparked a major war that involved and affected almost the entire world. -
the Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was a message from germany to mexico promising mexico american territory. this affected the world because it worsened the effects the first world war when it caused the united states to join so they ould protect their land.