Timeline 10 events - 1900 - 2000

By biaktoo
  • Texas Spindletop gusher drilled

    Texas Spindletop gusher drilled
    [began major oil production in TX]
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War began in 1914 to 1918
  • Women vote in US

    Women vote in US
    19th Amendment
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    Wall street crash also known as great crash.
  • Sputnik 1 launched

    Sputnik 1 launched
    [first artificial Earth satellite]
  • President John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas

    President John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas
    On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in a presidential motorcade.
  • Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon

    Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon
    "Neil Armstrong was a NASA astronaut most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon, on July 20, 1969"
  • 11 Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympic Games

    11 Israeli athletes killed at the Munich Olympic Games
    According to the Jerusalem post "September 5 1972: 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were held hostage and murdered by Black September terrorists at the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany".
  • US Bicentennial Celebration - 1976

    US Bicentennial Celebration - 1976
    The 1976 Bicentennial of American Independence was a major cultural phenomenon.
  • George W. Bush elected President of US

    George W. Bush elected President of US
    President George W. Bush was elected President on 2000 for United States. During the election republican almost lost the vote but defeated Gore in the electoral college.