Timeline 10/15

  • The Fredonian Rebellion pt. 2

    -The short revolt made more tension between Texas and Mexico
    -Edward brothers asked the U.S. and Austin's colony to help but they both said no
    -Austin even helped Mexico put down the revolt
    -Nacogdoches, Jan 1827, When Mexican troops from San Antonio came the Fredonian Rebellion collapsed
    -Most Fredonians fled across the Sabine River into the U.S. but some got captured
  • The Fredonian Rebellion

    -1825 Mexican gov. gave East TX. land to Haden Edwards
    -let Edward settle 800 families in Nacogdoches
    -people living on his land with no permit and the people felt threatened bc they didn't want to lose land
    -When Edward was away, his brother would be in charge
    - His brother was annoying to the Mexican Officials
    -Mexico decided to cancel Edwards land grant which made Edward angry
    -Late 1826, Edward supporters rebelled against the Mexican Authority
  • Mier y Teron Report 1829

    -After the Fredonian Rebellion, the rebels had little support among Anglo Americans
    -Mexican gov. got scared after the rebellion
    -They thought it was a scheme for the U.S. to get Texas
    -U.S. tried to buy Texas in 1827 and 1829
    -Scared Mexico sent inspection people to Texas led by General Manuel de Mier y Teran
    -After looking at Texas for 2 months he wrote a report
    -It said most people living in TX. were from the U.S.
    -Americans didn't follow their promises:
    learn Spanish, to become Catholic
  • Mier y Teran Report pt.2

    -Mier y Teran said the Mexican gov. should send more troops to TX.
    -Around the same time as the report, the Mexican gov. a decree to end slavery in Mexico
    -Texans feared it would end in TX. too
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    -Mexican gov. passed some new laws for Texas called The Law of April 6, 1830
    -The law stated the following:
    *No immigration from the U.S.
    *Encouraged European and Mexican colonists to move to TX.
    *Added tax to any good coming in from the U.S.
    *Est. new forts and sent soldiers to live in TX.
    *Prevented any Americans from living close to the border of the U.S.
    *Prevented any more slaves from coming into TX.
  • Events at Anahuac

    -The Law of 1830 upset Americans in
    -Mexico sent troops into TX. and built forts across the state
    -One fort was in Anahuac, under the leadership of Colonel John Bradburn
    -He was an American that supported the Mexican gov. during the Mexican Revolution
    -As a reward for his loyalty he was placed in command of the fort
    -As leader, he was expected to enforce the Law of April 6, 1830
    -The Americans living at Anahuac hated Bradburn
    -Bradburn was accused of helping slaves escape
  • Events at Anahuac pt.2 Scroll (Don't mind the day and month on it I had to get it in the right order)

    -He was also hated for trying to collect taxes on American goods coming into TX.
    -In May of 1832, Bradburn arrested 2 lawyers he claimed were interfering in his duties
    -William B. Travis, and Patrick C. Jack were thrown into prison
    -Over 200 settlers from towns close by rushed to their defence
    -When American threatened him, Bradburn requested more Mexican forces to be sent to Anahuac
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions

    -After attacking the Anahuac fort, American colonists went to Turtle Bayou (north of Anahuac)
    -Americans learned another revolution is happening in Mexico
    -Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna is leading a revolution against current president
    -Americans declare their loyalty to Santa in the Turtle Bayou Resolution
    -In the doc. Americans say they're not just trying to defeat Bradburn but also support Santa
    -Mexican troops liked Santa
    -Bradburn was sent away
    -William and Patrick are released from prison
  • The Election of Santa Anna

    -Santa Anna won the election
    -He was a federalist
    -His forces were fighting the Centralist party led by President Bustamante
    -Texans supported Santa because they believed he would support the Mexican Constitution of 1824
    -President Bustamante was unpopular in TX. because his gov. had passed the antislavery decree of 1829 and the Law of April 6, 1830
    -Now that Santa Anna, federalist party, was in charge of Mexican gov.
    -Many Americans saw hope for the future.
  • The Convention of 1832 and 1833

    -Americans were pleased that Santa Anna is president
    -They wanted to have a convention in October of 1832
    -They wanted to ask the gov. for changes in TX.
    Stephen F. Austin was elected president of the convention of 1832
    -At the convention, American colonists asked for immigration from the U.S., no taxes placed on imported goods, and for TX. to become a separate state from Coahuila
    -Statehood for TX. was an important issue for the American colonists
  • The Convention of 1832 and 1833 pt.2

    -As a state they could make more of their own laws instead of following laws passed by a gov. far away in Mexico City
    -They wanted statehood because they wanted to support slavery
    -The members of the Convention of 1832 never actually sent their demands to the Mexican gov.
    -American colonists met again in the Convention of 1833
    -This convention included different delegates than the Convention of 1832
    -Sam Houston was elected president of the Convention of 1833
  • The Convention of 1832 and 1833 pt.3

    -This convention created a list of demands similar to the Convention of 1832
    -The members of this convention actually wrote a constitution for the proposed Mexican State of Texas
    -Stephen F. Austin is chosen to travel to Mexico City and give the demands to the Mexican President, Santa Anna
  • The Arrest of Stephen F. Austin

    -Stephen F. Austin arrived in Mexico in July of 1833
    -He was unable to meet with Santa Anna because he was away from Mexico City fighting another battle
    -After months of waiting for Santa, Stephen wrote a letter to the people of TX. telling them to go ahead and make a state gov.
    -In Nov. of 1833, Stephen finally met with Santa
    -Santa agreed to a few of the Americans demands like allowing immigration from the U.S, but he refused to let TX. become its own state
  • The Arrest of Stephen F. Austin pt.2

    -Stephen's letter to TX. had been taken, and Mexico gov. viewed it as treason
    -Stephen was in prison for over a year
    -The way Stephen saw the Mexican gov. after the arrest completely changed
    -When he left TX. in 1833, he wanted to repair relations between TX. and Mexico, but now he wanted war
    -Stephen claimed Santa Anna had turned into a dictator
    -Stephen said, "War is our only recourse. There is no other remedy. We must defend our rights, ourselves, and our country by force of arms."
  • The Consultation pt.2

    -They decided to hold a meeting to discuss what should be done about a possible invasion from Mexican Soldiers hunting Travis and the others
    -Stephen went to the meeting and said the Texians must unite to organize a system of defence
    -He said, "I advise every man in Texas to prepare for war."
  • The Consultation

    -When Stephen was in prison, Americans living in Texas got upset with Mexican gov. over taxes
    -William Travis led a group of men to protect the arrest of a fellow Texian
    -This upset General Martin Perfecto do Cos, Santa's brother in law and commander of Mexican forces in Coahuila y Tejas
    -General Cos demanded the arrest of Travis and the other Texians
    -The Texians were alarmed by his demands