138 BCE
First Delphic Hymn to Apollo
first recorded music -
Period: 476 to 1435
Medieval Era
476 A.D. = the Fall of Rome = start of the Medieval Era
Slow changes in life, culture, and dissemination of knowledge
2 types of music. Devine and Cosmic
Unquestioning faith and mysticism -
Period: 991 to 1033
Guido d’Arezzo
credited with “inventing” the staff
Suggested using a red line for F and a yellow line for C
Diastematic notation -
Period: 1098 to 1179
Hildegard von Bingen
Founder and abbess of the convent at Rupertsberg, Germany
Famous for her prophetic powers and revelations
Wrote liturgical dramas and religious poetry
first female composer
She was important as a poet, composer, teacher, and author
Her counsel was sought after by Popes, Kings, Emperors, Archbishops, and Abbots
From the morality play Ordo virtutum, c. 1152 (“Play of Virtues”) -
Period: 1386 to 1466
Famous Italian Artist
Bronze statue of David, c. 1444-46 -
Period: 1390 to 1453
John Dunstable
English, but influenced musical style in Europe
Composers who heard his music were impressed by the “English quality” (la contenance angloise)
More 3rds and 6ths were used in the harmonies: this resulted in what we think of triadic music
Copies of his works have been found in Italian and German manuscripts
About fifty compositions are extant, he probably composed more
His complete works were not published until 1953 (not a misprint) -
Period: 1397 to 1474
Guillaume Dufay
First Renaissance composer -
Period: 1420 to 1497
Johannes Ockeghem
Very respected and prolific; also a low bass -
Period: 1430 to
New complex currents of thought concerning: Arts Science Religion
Changes in art originated in Italy, but musical style came out of England
Belief in reason and scientific inquiry
Italy was the center of the Renaissance -
Period: 1435 to 1511
Johannes Tinctoris
Composer and music theorist: wrote about contemporary music
Wrote the first dictionary of musical terms: Diffinitorum musices (c. 1475)
“There does not exist a single piece of music, not composed within the last 40 years, that is regarded by the learned as worth hearing.” – 1477 -
Period: 1444 to 1510
Sandro Botticelli
The Birth of Venus, 1485-86 -
Period: 1450 to 1521
Josquin des Prez
Most revered Renaissance composer, esp. by Martin Luther
From Northern France
Served in Italian courts
Worked at Notre Dame in 1504 as the provost
Sang in the Sistine Chapel choir in Rome from 1489-94
Ahead of his time in many ways
His music was so emotion-filled and popular that others would try to pass off their music as his
Over 100 motets, 17 masses, many French chansons, and Italian secular songs are extant -
Period: 1450 to 1517
Heinrich Isaac
Prolific German composer -
Period: 1452 to 1519
Leonardo da Vinci
“The Annunciation” -
Period: 1475 to 1564
Michelangelo Buonarroti
“Pieta,” 1499
At the Vatican, Marble -
Period: 1483 to 1520
1514 “Madonna della Tenda” -
Period: 1483 to 1546
Martin Luther
began the Protestant movement known as the Reformation
The Catholic church excommunicated him
Lutheranism grew in popularity in the Northern German cities and new music was written for these services
Meanwhile the Southern German cities, France, and Italy continued their Catholic traditions -
Period: 1488 to 1576
Titian [Tiziano Vecellio]
"The Three Ages of Man” -
Period: 1490 to 1562
Adrian Willaert
Father of text expression -
Period: 1505 to
Thomas Tallis
English composer who wrote a 40-voice part motet
Important English composer -
Period: 1507 to 1568
Jacques Arcadelt
One of the earliest Italian madrigal composers
Worked in Italian and French courts
Composed over 250 madrigals, 125 French chansons, and sacred music -
Period: 1521 to
Philipp de Monte
Most prolific composer of the Renaissance -
Period: 1525 to
The most famous composer from the Renaissance -
Period: 1525 to
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Awarded the most posthumous fame -
Period: 1525 to
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
The church wanted everything homorhythmic
Palestrina continued using polyphony, showing that he could make any texture understood
Palestrina rose to the challenges of the Council of Trent – he saved polyphony! -
Period: 1528 to
Paolo Veronese
“The Allegory of Wisdom and Strength” 1580 Almost in a Baroque style -
The Italian Madrigal
Used aristocratic poetry
Flourished in Italian courts
Spread to England
Instruments participated but were rarely notated
First madrigals were homorhythmic and 4 solo voices (similar to a frottola)
5 solo voices became the norm around 1550: by 1600 no restrictions
Became the experimental genre for the Baroque style
Moved music from the Renaissance style to the Baroque
He wrote 9 books of madrigals
During the Baroque era, he composed several operas -
Period: 1532 to
Orlando di Lasso
Ranks in importance with Josquin and Palestrina -
Period: 1543 to
William Byrd
Important Catholic English composer working in Protestant England
A Roman Catholic living in Protestant England
Harassed because of his faith and put up with a lot
His talent provided protection from serious persecution
Wrote several anthems: Anthem implies English and Protestant composition -
Period: 1545 to 1563
The Council of Trent
set new guidelines for music and musicians
Counter Reformation: a reform against the reform that Martin Luther started
1. They wanted the words to be clearly understood.
2. They wanted all things secular gone from the church.
3. They wanted the musicians to act in a reverent manner. (!?!) -
Period: 1548 to
Important Catholic English composer working in Protestant England
Carries on Palestrina’s style while working in Spain -
Period: 1557 to
Giovanni Gabrieli
The leading composer of instrumental ensemble music and polychoral works in the late Renaissance
Studied with Orlando di Lasso in Munich
Moved to Venice in 1585 to take the position of organist at St. Mark’s Cathedral -
Period: 1564 to
He lived into the early Baroque – many Renaissance-style songs were composed for and used in his plays -
Period: 1567 to
Claudio Monteverdi
Moved music from the Renaissance style to the Baroque
He wrote 9 books of madrigals
During the Baroque era, he composed several operas -
Period: 1570 to
John Farmer
English composer and organist who lived in London and Dublin
Known for clever word painting