Charles darwin

Timeline 1 - Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin was born on this day at The Mount House, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. He was the fifth of six children.
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    Darwin Goes to School

    Darwin attends Shrewsbury School. He hates the school, describing it as "narrow and classical". He is then removed from the school after being deemed unsuccessful. He spends the summer accompanying his father on his doctor's rounds. In the autumn of 1825 he is sent to Edinburgh University, with his brother Erasmus, to study medicine.
  • Darwin Leaves School Yet Again!

    Bored by medicine, Darwin chooses to leave Edinburg University without graduating. Following his father's advice, Darwin chooses to pursue a degree in Clerical Studies at the University of Cambridge.
  • Darwin Finally Graduates College!

    Darwin takes the exam that would grant him his B.A.. He is stunned to discover that he ranked 10th out of 178 candidates!
  • Darwin Sets Sail!

    Darwin sets sail on the ship The HMS Beagle. The trip lasts about five years. It is during this voyage that Darwin spends time visiting and surveying the Galapagos Islands-- the place which would help him develop his Theory of Natural Selection.
  • Darwin Meets Lyell

    Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell meet for the first time and discuss Lyell's book "Principles of Geology." The two develop a professional relationship.
  • Darwin Publicly Reads His First Paper

    Darwin reads his first scientific paper "Observations...on the coast of Chile" at the Geological Society in London. He shares what he has viewed, including an earthquake that he experienced and the effects of the earthquake on the landscape.
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    Darwin Gets Elected, Again and Again!

    In 1838 Darwin was elected to the Athenaeum, the exclusive club for men distinguished in literature, art, or science, and in 1839 he was elected to the Royal Society. He is then elected in 1840 to the Council of the Royal Geographical Society.
  • Darwin Finally Publishes His Master Work!

    After many years of work, and a bit of competition from Alfred Wallace, Darwin finally publishes his book "On the Origin of Species." A short video: Darwin, C. (2009). On the origin of species. ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Darwinism Begins to Make its Mark

    Darwinism begins to dominate the views of the British Association.
    His chief scientific supporters, Hooker and Huxley, are presidents of the association.
  • "The Descent of Man" is Published

    Darwin publishes another paper, "The Descent of Man," and also re-writes his previous work, "On the Origin of Species" in response to arguments from St. George Jackson Mivart. Darwin, C. (1901). The descent of man and selection in relation to sex (New ed. / with illustrations.). J. Murray.
  • The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

    Darwin publishes his third work, "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals." Darwin, C. (1872). The expression of the emotions in man and animals. John Murray.
  • Dr. Charles Darwin

    The University of Cambridge grants Charles Darwin an honorary doctorate of law.
  • The Death of Charles Darwin

    After a heart attack on Christmas, followed by seizures, Charles Darwin dies. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.