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Born January 19th 1798 in Montpellier, France. Died September 5th, 1857 in Paris. His father was a tax official named Louis Comte, and his mother was named Rosalie Boyer. Comte is known for the first to establish the science of sociology. Comte was quite eccentric, even going as far as inventing his own religion. Below is a link to a video that goes into more detail about this. He died of cancer on September 5th, 1857. Video: https://youtu.be/OhVamhT4Q3s -
Entered Ecole Polytechnique
In 1814 Comte entered this college in Paris that had originally been founded for military engineers. The school had been transformed into a college for advanced sciences. -
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Publishing of Cours de Philosophie Positive
Over a span of 12 years, Comte published 6 volumes detailing his philosophy. The english translation of the title is Course of Positive Philosophy. Comte was a positivist, meaning he believed that positive knowledge is based on observations of natural phenomena and having their properties verified by empirical sciences. MLA Citation for where the untranslated versions can be found: Comte, Auguste. Cours de Philosophie Positive. (1/6). Project Gutenberg, 2010. Print. -
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Publishing of Système de Politique Positive
In this 4 volume publication, Comte completed his work on formulating sociology. This work emphasized morality, and how moral progress is the central preoccupation behind human knowledge and efforts. It also detailed what political organization would be required for these pursuits. MLA citation where untranslated version can be found: Comte, Auguste, and Christian Cherfils. Système de Politique Positive. M. Giard & É Brière,, 1912. Web.