Evolution Timeline

By suhailJ
  • Period: 1201 to 1274

    Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī

    Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī develops a theory of evolution with organisms gaining differences through adapting to their environments
  • A new naming system

    Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus published Systema Naturae, which comprises the common modern naming system of binomial nomenclature.
  • Birth of paleontology

    French scientist, Georges Cuvier is recognized as the father of Paleontology along as being well known for his rejection of any evolutionary theory from his study of the fossil record.
  • Population studies

    Thomas Robert Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population."
  • First theory of evolution published

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, printed his theory of evolution, which was that evolution happened through the inheritance of acquired features.
  • New thoughts on geology

    Charles Lyell publishes "Principles of Geology." This made a new view of geology
  • The First Essay

    Charles Darwin writes an essay about the theory of evolution that was never published.
  • Competition for Evolution

    Alfred Russel Wallace publishes a paper which have the same idea as Darwin, along with the natural selection. Darwin's friends show Wallace's and Darwin's theories at the Linnean Society.
  • The Origin of Species

    Darwin becomes ill, his book "The Origin of Species" is published and became popular.
  • Heredity experimentation

    Mendel's pea plants theory printed, making the background for the basis of natural selection.
  • Importance of DNA in heredity

    August Weismann writes how significant DNA is to heredity, alongside with germ cell theory.
  • Chromosomes and heredity

    Walter Sutton suggested that chromosomes basis for Mendelian inheritance of characteristics.
  • Genetic material verified

    DNA is confirmed to be genetic material which is that inheritance passes from one generation to the next.
  • DNA structure discovered

    Francis Crick , James Watson and Rosalind Franklin discover the chemical structure of DNA and show that it meets the unique requirements for a substance that encodes genetic information.
  • mRNA discovered

    Sydney Brenner, Francis Crick, Francois Jacob, and Jacques Monod discover mRNA.