By thedot
  • League of Nations is created

    League of Nations is created
    The charter was drafted in Paris shortly after the end of WWI. The League's job was to maintian world peace. The reason in was drafted was that the Allies of WWI never wanted another war like that again. The League did implement measures to curb this and speed up that. But today historians largly recognize that it failed in preventing another great war.
  • The Aaland Islands

    The Aaland Islands
    Finland and Sweeden were fighing over a group of islands that were stubborning sittuated right in between them. They were part of Finland but most of the people there wanted to be sweedish. They asked for the League's assistance and the League gave it to them. It's decsion (to stay with Finland but never keep weapons there) remains in effect to this day.
  • Upper Silesia

    Upper Silesia
    The treaty of Versailles asked that the people of Upper Silesia voted on weather they wanted to be part of Poland of Germany. The vote was close, and when rioting broke out, the League stepped in and said that one side should be given to Germany and the other side to Poland. More or less everybody accepted that.
  • Memel

    This area was under League control under the treaty of Versilias, but Lithuania invaded it. The League responded by giving the area around the port to Lithuania but keeping the port itself as an international zone.
  • Italy and Albania

    Italy and Albania
    After the Italians of a international survey team broke off and were shot, Italy accused Greece of staging the thing and demands a massive fine. Greece refused, so Italy sent over their navy to enforce them, then got the League to impose another fine on Greece.
  • Turkey

    The League did not stop the war in Turkey. It did, however, send aid to help stop the humanitarian crisis afterwards. It send doctors to care for them and bult many of the refugees new homes to live in.
  • Greece and Bulgaria

    Greece and Bulgaria
    In 1925, Greece invaded Bulgaria over a small border dispute. Bulgaria called on the League who both stopped the fighting and gave Greece a massive fine as a result.
  • United nations created

    the United nations the worlds oldest and most successful organization was created.
  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    23 countries sign this agreement about general trade regulations. While multiple regional trade organizations exist, the WTO remains the only one of it's kind.
  • ITO charter signed

    ITO charter signed
    In 1948, the charter forthe International trade organisation is signed, but the U.S. decides to crash the event by not crashing the party. In other words, they decline to sign, leaving GATT as the only true International trade organization with the most major world powers in it.
  • War between Egypt and Israel

    Great Britian and France veto the Sec. Council resolution on the issue, but the the GA takes it up and reveses them. UNEF established.
  • Cyprus

    Violence breaks out in newly independent Cyprus. U.N. sends 6000 person peacekeeping force there.
  • The Kennedy Round

    The Kennedy Round
    Named in Honor of Kennedy, who had died by then, achieves $40 billion of tarrif cuts in world trade.
  • Iraq-Iran

    The U.N. supervises a cease-fire ending the Iraq-Iran war.
  • world trade organization is created

    world trade organization is created
    The efficient, effective trade organization that we have all been waiting for shows up.
  • china joins the WTO

    china joins the WTO
    After China Joined the WTO in 2001, it pretty much had jurisdiction over most of the world's trade.
  • 2009 recession

    the 2009 recession hits and the WTO bursts into action. Saying lots and lots of stuff. They say prepare for 10% drops in developed countries and 2-3% drops in developing ones.
  • Namibia

    At the time, South Africa Iligally possesd Namibia. The U.N. convinces them to agree to independence and U.N. supevised elections.