
  • Roanoke

    Roanoke was the 1rst attempted colony in America. It is also well known as the "Lost Colony"
  • James Town

    James Town
    The first permanent English Settlement
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly on New World. It was eleceted in July 30 at Jamestown, VA.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower compact was signed November 11th. It was agreement to form self -government, half of the colony died during the harsh winter.
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams
    Roger Williams founded Rhode Island in June
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The 1rst Navigation Act was passed by the British Parliament in December.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William signed a treaty with the Delaware indians and made payment for Pennsylvania.
  • Salem

    Salem executed many men, women, and childeren for they thought they were witches.
  • The Great Awakening

    Religeous Rivals begin.
  • Poor Richards Almanack

    Benjamin Franklin published the first Poor Richards Almanack.
  • John Peter Zinger

    John was aquitted of libel in New York after
  • French and Indian War

    The war began when the French occupied Ft. Duquesne.
  • Sugar Act

    Placed duties on food, lumber, molasses, & rum
  • Stamp Act

    It was enacted by parliament, it required revenue stamps to help fund royal troops.
  • Townshed Acts

    It taxed on glass, painter's lead, paper, and tea
  • The Boston Massacre

    British troops fired into Boston. Killed 5 men including a black man.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Cargo was thrown over bored
  • Intolerable Acts

    Parliament curtailed Massachusetts self-rule; barred use of Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick addressed Virginia convention and said "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
  • Paul Revere & William Dawes

    They alerted the patriots that the British were coming
  • Lexington and Concord

    Minutemen lost 8. On return from Concord, Brithish took 273 casualties.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense was a famous proindependence pamphlet published by Thomas Paine.
  • Decloration of Independence

    The Decloration of independence was adopted July 2nd and approved July 4th
  • Saratoga

    Burgoyne surrenderd 5,000 men at Saratoga
  • Atricles of Confederation

    A.C was adopted by Continental congress. It was the first written form of government.
  • John Paul Jones

    John Paul defeated Serapis in British North sea's waters
  • Yorktown

    Cornwallis retired to york town in 1781
  • Paris Treaty

    Britain and the U.s both signed the Paris Treaty in 1783 recognizing independence.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance was adopted by Continental Congress for Northwest territory.
  • George Washington

    George Washington was elected president!!!
  • Naturalization Act

    The N.A was passed by Johm Carroll
  • Bill of Rights

    It went into effect on Decmber 15, 1791
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney invinted the cotton gin.
  • The whiskey Rebellion

    Farmers protested liguor tax of 1791
  • Llouisiana Purchase

    The Louisana purchase doubled the size of the U.S
  • Lewis & Clark

    The expedition was ordered by Thomas Jefferson to explore what is now the North West territory.