
  • George Washinton is elected President

    George Washinton is elected President
    George Washington was voted unanimously to be the first president.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Supreme Court was given exclusive original jurisdiction over all civil actions between states, or between a state and the United States, as well as over all suits and proceedings brought against ambassadors
  • The District of Columbia

    The District of Columbia
    "D.C." stands for the "District of Columbia" which is the federal district containing the city of Washington.
  • Hamilton and Jefferson debate

    The United States needed both influences
  • Bank of the United States

    raised early questions of constitutionality in the new government.
  • Whiskey rebellion

    This became a problem for grain farmers who were expected to pay the tax on whiskey up front so their grain could be distilled into whiskey
  • Jays Treaty

    The treaty gained the primary American goals, which included the withdrawal of units of the British Army from pre-Revolutionary forts that it had failed.
  • John Adams is elected

    John Adams is elected
    Some in the United States felt that the U.S. should have come to the aid of America's former ally, France, in their war with England.
  • XYZ Affair

    resulted in a limited, undeclared war known as the Quasi-War. U.S. and French negotiators restored peace with the Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine.
  • alien and sedtition acts

    These acts increased the residency requirement for American citizenship from five to fourteen years, authorized the president to imprison or deport aliens considered "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States"
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    they infringed on the reserved powers of the states.
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected 1st term

    . He slashed Army and Navy expenditures, cut the budget, eliminated the tax on whiskey so unpopular in the West, yet reduced the national debt by a third.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana purchase wasn't a period of time... it didin't have hardships
  • Mabury v. Madison

    Mabury v. Madison
    Marbury filed his petition for the writ of mandamus directly in the Supreme Court, the Court needed to be able to exercise original jurisdiction over the case in order to have the power to hear it.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    Sickness, getting lost, starvation, bad weather, and injury.
  • Aaron Burr Conspiracy

    Aaron Burr Conspiracy
    Shortly after his failed bid for the New York governorship, Burr and longtime friend Gen. James Wilkinson toyed with the idea of invading Spanish-held territory and setting up their own nation.
  • Thoms Jefferson eleceted term 2

    he was increasingly preoccupied with keeping the Nation from involvement in the Napoleonic wars, though both England and France interfered with the neutral rights of American merchantmen.Jefferson's attempted solution, an embargo upon American shipping, worked badly and was unpopular.
  • War of 1812

    The offensive actions of the United States failed to capture Canada
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    it verified a new shared-power relationship between the former enemies