time travel

  • The Revolutionary war begins

    A war for independence from Britain. The colonists wanted to be independent of the Kings reign.
  • The articles of confederation

    This was the first constitution for the young US. The articles, however, failed a prime example of its failure would be that it was too weak to enforce its rules.
  • The Revolutionary war ends

    The revolutionary war ends with the US winning and becoming its own independent nation.
  • The federalist papers are published

    the Federalist papers are a series of 85 papers, 51 are written by Alexander Hamilton. The papers were used to promote the Constitution.
  • The Constitution is made

    A set of fundamental principles that help govern the states.
  • The second Great Awakening

    Focus on Second Coming of Christ. Need for reform of society to hasten the new Kingdom of God. Helped lead to the US gaining independence
  • Election of 1800

    An election in which Thomas Jefferson won over Arron Burr.
  • beginning of the war of 1812

    The War of 1812 began when the US declared war against Britain.
  • End of the War of 1812

    the treaty of Ghent was the outcome of the War of 1812. This lead to two centuries of peace between the two.
  • Market revolution

    Rapid development and westward expansion during the market revolution led to an economic boom
  • mexico war

    A Mexican calvary attacked a group of US soldiers over land disputes
  • raid on the federal armory

    An aboliitionist, John Brown led a raid on The Federal armory trying to get local slaves to revolt.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected

    Abraham lincoln wins the elction of 1860
  • seven southern states secede

    The southern states felt there way of life and thet the slaves they owned would be freed they left the union
  • civil war begins

    The civil war begins due to the south and the north being divided over how to deal with the issue of slavery.
  • Battle at Antietam

    This was the first battle of the Civil war to be fought.
  • Gettysburg Address

    a well-known speech was given by President Lincoln, and is probably is the best known.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    Lincoln is assassinated in a theater by a famous actor.
  • Civil war ends

    The civil war ends with the south losing and the north winning. The South rejoined the union and removed slavery.
  • transcontinental railroad is finished

  • Battle of little Bighorn

    Also known as Custers last stand, Was an armed battle between combined forces of Native Americans, and the U.S calvary.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes was elected

    Ruther B. Hayes won the 1876 election
  • Bland Allison Act

    Also known as the grand bland plan of 1878,was an act of United States Congress requiring the U.S. Treasury to buy a certain amount of silver.
  • South Fork Dam disaster

    A flood that occurred in Johnstown due to the poorly constructed dam. The dam was located 14 miles away from the town.
  • Panic of 1893

    A serious economic depression that began in 1893.
  • Election of Williams Mckinley

    the election of 1896 that lead to the election of Williams Mckinley.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    This court case held up segregation laws in the south. This lead to separate but equal.
  • The Great depression starts

    This was caused due to the stock market crashing causing world wide depression.
  • social security is established

    Social security is established for citizens of an older age, workers, victims of accidents, and aid for single mothers.
  • The Great depression ends

    The Great Depression ended due to the sharp reduction in spending and taxes.
  • WWII begins

    WWII began when an unprovoked Germany attacked Poland. This caused the Prime minister of Britain to declare war.
  • US joins WW2

    The US joins WWII due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. An act was done by the Japanese.
  • WWII ends

    This war ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. Adolf Hitler later committed suicide.
  • Military is desegregated

    The military is desegregated after WWII
  • JFK is elected

    JFK won the 1961 presidential election beating Nixon in the first televised presidential election.
  • JFK is assasinated

    JFK is shot while riding in a presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza. The person behind the assassination had been caught.
  • Civil Rights act

    This act ended segregation in public spaces and banned employment discromintion based on race, color, religion, and gender.
  • Richard Nixon is elected

    Nixon won the election of 1968.
  • Watergate Scandal

    This was a wiretapping scandal in which Nixon would listen in on his opponents conversations. He was caught and nearly impeached had it not been for him resigning.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns before he can get impeached and avoid being the first president to be impeached. Though he does becoe the first president to resign before 4 years.
  • Vietnam War ends

    The purpose of this war was to prevent the communist side of vietnam from spreading across all of vietnam.
  • the world wide web

    The world wide web also known as the internet is a global network that connects people across the globe. Thanks to its invention it has helped further advance how we communicate, get our news, and shop.
  • Y2K scare

    This was a computer bug where all the computers were not programmed with the dates for 2000. This caused a lot of people to panic, and think the world was going to end.
  • Al-Qaeda attacks world trade center

    this event is also called 9/11, and it caused mass panic. Another outcome of this event would be the war on terror.
  • presidential election

    This election was Republican George w. bush vs democratic Al Gore. The outcome of this election was the election of President Bush
  • War on terror

    The war on terror was initiated due to the 9/11 incident when four coordinated terrorist attacks happened. The group behind these incidents was al-Qaeda.
  • Invasion of Iraq

    America invaded Iraq due to President Bush telling us Saddam held weapons of mass destruction and wasn't afraid to use them. Saddam didn't possess any weapons of mass destruction which were later discovered.
  • U.S withdraws from Iraq

    The main reason for this was due to a majority of Americans (55%) wanted to withdraw from the war. Another reason was due to voters wanting to withdraw troops from Iraq.