Time Toast Timeline for American Revolution

  • The battle of lexington

    The battle of lexington
    This happened because the 13 colonies wanted independence but britain did not want that so they decided to fight.
  • Period: to

    Time Toast Timeline for American Revolution

    my time line
  • declaration of independence being drafted

    declaration of independence being drafted
    At this time the declaration has been drafted it was mainly written by jefferson this happened because the colonies wanted independence.
  • America lose to britain

    America lose to britain
    Britain beats america at the battle at brandywine creek at pennsylvania
  • The first Battle of Saratoga

    When General Horatio Gates defeated the British at Freeman’s Farm.
  • france joins in

     france joins in
    france joins with the colonists to fight the british because britain was not treating them right.
  • The french arrived to the 13 colonies

    The french arrived to the 13 colonies
    This happened because the french came to help use fight britain.They arrived off the atlantic coast.
  • The British captured Charleston, South Carolina

    The British captured Charleston, South Carolina
  • The battle at Cowpens,South Carolina

    we won the battle at this place against the British force.
  • Cornwallis surrender

    Cornwallis surrender his entire army when he was out mached.
  • We won the battle

    we got are independence with the Treaty of Paris.