
Time Toast Project

  • A presence in the Caribbean

    A presence in the Caribbean
    Another reason why the United States was interested in Cuba was the United States had a desire to have a presence in in the Caribbean.
  • Proximity

    The United States was interested in Cuba because Cuba was only 90 miles away from the southern coast of Florida.
  • Cuba's Land

    Cuba's Land
    America had an interest in Cuba because it had something that they didn't . Cuba had the ability to grow sugar cane and other resources.
  • Jose Marti launches a revolution

    Jose Marti launches a revolution
    Jose Marti made a Cuban resistance against Spain. He would deliberately destroy American-owned sugar mills and plantations. This would provoke wealthy Americans, and most likely would lead the United States to gain interest in Cuba.
  • Destruction of Sugar Plantation

    Destruction of Sugar Plantation
    The United States was led into the war because Jose Marti would destroy American sugar plantations, provoking the United States to intervene and to help Cuba become free.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Two newspaper tycoons by the names of WIlliam Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer would print exaggerated stories about what happened during the war. They would print stories such as children being fed to sharks and stories about wells being poisoned. This increased the desire of the United States to enter the war with Spain and Cuba. (Pictured is William Randolph Hearst.)
  • The explosion of the U.S.S Maine

    The explosion of the U.S.S Maine
    President McKinley had ordered the U.S.S maine to cuba to bring home American citizens that were in danger from the fighting, and to also protect American property. On the 15th of February, 1898 the ship blew up in the harbor of Havanna. This caused Americans to hate the Spanish. Even though no one has found out who really blew up the ship.
  • Americans win fight with Spanish fleet at Manila.

    Americans win fight with Spanish fleet at Manila.
    George Dewey and his men sailed to the Philippines. Their destination was Manila, the Philippine capital. A couple hours later, Dewey's men had destroyed all of the Spanish's ships that were there.
  • Rough Riders converge on the port city of Santiago.

    Rough Riders converge on the port city of Santiago.
    An army of 17 thousand people convereged together in June of 1898. It included four African-American regiments of the regular army, and the rough riders. The Rought Riders were a volunteer cavalry.
  • American troops invade Puerto Rico

    American troops invade Puerto Rico
    American troops invaded Puerto Rico after destroying a spanish fleet.
  • The United States gaining Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines.

    The United States gaining Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines.
    As a result of the Treaty of Paris being signed, the United States gained Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba. Spain also sold the Philippines to the U.S for 20 million dollars.
  • Spain Defeated

    Spain Defeated
    Spain gets defeated by the United States on February 6th, 1899. The treaty of paris was signed.
  • Imperialism

    President McKinley told a group of ministers that he wanted to help the Philippine Islands, to educate the Filipinos and uplift them. He also said he wanted to Christianize them, but the Filipinos had been Christian for centuires..
  • The Battle at San Juan Hill

    The Battle at San Juan Hill
    The most famous battle the occured during the Spanish American war was the battle at San Juan Hill. Their victory cleared the way for an infantry attack.