Project Head Start
A Preschool program begins as part of the "war on poverty". It began as an 8 week program for low income families but has since become much more. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
As part of the "War on Poverty" this provided federal funding to low income students. It funded programs including Title 1 and and bilingual education. -
Bilingual Education Act
Also known as Title VII, it was repealed and placed by the No Child Left Behind Act. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Pennsylvania
This case ruled that students with mental retardation are entitled to free public education. This later extended to special education in Mills v. the Board of Education of Washington, D.C. -
Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 of this Act guarantees civil rights to those with disability requiring accommodation in schools. This also requires access to buildings and activities. A 504 plan makes accommodations for those who do not qualify for special education. -
Equal Education Opportunity Act
This legislation prohibits discrimination and requires that schools overcome barriers, such as language, that can prevent equal protection. -
Case of Lau v. Nichols
The Supreme Court finds the failure of the San Francisco School Board to provided Chinese-American students with LEP English instructions a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Schools are required to provide equal opportunity to LEP students. -
Plyler vs. Doe
This case found that the Texas state law denying immigrants the right to an education violated the 14th amendment. Further, they were unable to charge tuition to these undocumented students for a public education. -
Universal Preschool
Georgia becomes the first state to offer all 4 year old children, whose families enroll, universal preschool. More than half the 4 year old children in the state are enrolled. -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The law holds schools accountable for students' performance. It requires mandated high stakes testing and penalties schools that do not preform to the standards set.