Social media

Time Toast Assingment

By ceo23
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
    Created by the United States government to advance science and technology. ARPA successfully did that and more through the conceptualization and creation of the internet. This agency changed the world forever through this invention that in this day is used by everyone with access.
  • Internet

    The internet was born and with it the world was changed. At U.C.L.A. the first I.M.P. was connected to the first host. This marked the internet's first use and from there it has not stopped growing. The internet is now used everyday by nearly everyone as one of the most impacting and useful inventions in history.
  • Mosaic

    The first widely used browser that allowed people outside of the government to access and navigate the internet. After its release it continued to grow in popularity and through updates it became the first internet browser.
  • Friendster

    The first social media site launched before the internet grew into what we know today. Created with the aim of bringing people with similar interests together. Unfortunately it is now nothing more than a gaming site since technical glitches led it to be abandoned by people.
  • LinkedIn

    After Friendster the next social media was launched just a year later but with a different goal. It was aimed at buisness professionals as a more serious social platform. This platform allowed professionals to connect with other professionals and to buisnesses and is still thriving today.
  • Facebook

    Perhaps the largest breakthrough in social media was the creation and release of Facebook. Released 15 years ago it now has over 500 million users. Mark Zukerberg thought of this social media platform in college and originally aimed it at only college students. Now it continues to be one of the most widely used social media platform by all people. One of its biggest innovations was the “Like” button which continues to appear all over the internet.
  • YouTube

    A social media platform based entirely around sharing videos. It is the largest video-sharing social network that allows people from all around the world to upload, share, and comment on each others videos. Now more popular than ever as it continues to grow and attract new users.
  • Twitter

    A social media platform launched in 2006 with a new take on social platforms. It aimed towards the same group as facebook but instead focused on short texts shared with followers. Now it is used by many brands as a PR tool and continues to thrive.
  • Pinterest

    This social media platform is meant more for idea sharing and generation than sharing moments of your life. Built on people posting pictures and ideas about projects, cooking, art, etc. It now averages around 100 million users per month. Another type of social media that has continued its success over the past nine years.
  • Instagram

    A more recent social media platform with another new take on how social media should exist. Originally completely based on sharing pictures it now has editing and video functions. It is now part of Facebook and can be used as a tool for connecting social media sites by posting to multiple at once. With around 400 active users a month, this platform has rapidly increased in popularity since its creation.
  • Twitch

    A site similar to YouTube in the video sharing aspect but with a very specific market segment. Twitch allows users to post, view, and stream videos. All of witch are based on video games. This site has grown in popularity since its start and recently has found great success with the release of Fortnite. The online community is comprised of gamers and has led streamers to fame.
  • Snapchat

    A recent addition to the social media platforms more similar to texting than most platforms. Snapchat allows users to send videos, pictures, and messages to each other along with posting "Stories" which are essentially those messages made public. Along with snapchat came snap codes which are like a phone number for this app. Snapchat's most unique feature is that sent items dissapear after being viewed and posts or stories only last 24 hours.