Sand Creek Massacre
500 Cheyenne and Arapaho attacked by about 700 federal troops unprovoked on Sand Creek in Colorado. -
New South 1865-1900
Reconstruction cause a new era in the South with more capitalist economy, stepping away from relying on agriculture. -
Jim Crow Laws
Laws to racially suppress, black codes, segregation. -
Period: to
National Labor Union 1866-1873
Goals: Higher wages and 8-hour work days, did not let women and Black people join. -
The poor (majority black) in the south farming someone else's land for part of the crops and profit -
National Grange Movement
Advance methods of agriculture and social and economically support farmers. -
Transcontinental Railroad
Built to connect different regional economies and grow railroad industry. -
Knights of Labor 1869-1886
Allowed all types of workers including women and Black people at they fought for 8-hour work days, but unorganized. -
Sioux wars
Battle between Sioux and US soldiers and settlers after encroaching on Black Hills reservation, Sioux surrendered and forced back in reservation or killed. -
Immigrants and Nativism
Many immigrants coming for work opportunity, first wave German and Irish, second wave Russian and Italian, nativism against southern and eastern European immigrants. -
Social Gospel
Applying Christian principles to social problems, progressive social reforms. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Stopped immigration from China until 1965 due to nativism and fear of job competition in the west. -
American Federal of Labor
Support workers bargain for better conditions, not strikes, want to abolish child labor, trusts, and monopolies. -
Interstate Commerce Act
Require railroad rates to be "reasonable and just", individual states could not regular interstate commerce. -
Haymarket Riot
Labor protest in Haymarket Square, Chicago, bomb was thrown at police and violence ensued, less trust in labor unions. -
Great Railroad Strike of 1887
Railroad companies cut wages and strike starts 500,000 men strong, President Hayes used federal troops for first time to end labor violence (more than 100 people killed). -
Gospel of Wealth
Carnegie's belief in upper class philanthropy to give back to society. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
Attempted to decrease power and creation of trusts due to public concern, but not enforced well. -
Western frontier settled and closed in 1890
The U.S. Bureau of the Census announced the western frontier closed from amount of white settlers. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
During a confrontation over a hundred Sioux people were slaughtered by troops when someone started doing the ghost dance. -
Ghost Dance movement
A ceremony by Native Americans after conflicts for hope and to bring prosperity, peace, and protection. -
Populist party
New political party for the people, farmers, and wanted to attack laissez faire capitalism by taking economic power away from trusts and bankers. Overall economic and social reform, excluding African Americans. -
Election of 1892
James Weaver, Populist candidate won over 1 million votes and 22 electoral votes, big deal for third party candidate. -
Homestead Strike
After a 20% wage cut workers strike at Andrew Carnegie's Homestead Steel plant, violence and strikebreakers used for months. -
Panic of 1893
Economic panic/depression with a run on currency, bank closures, and high unemployment rate. -
Pullman Strike
Strike due to cut wages and firing of worker delegates. Tied up transportation around the country and federal court issued injunction to break the strike and boycott. -
Plessy v. Furgeson
The establishment of legal segregation as "separate but equal" -
Lattimer Massacre
A strike by miners, mostly immigrants, due to low wages and extremely dangerous working conditions, 19 killed while trying to break up the strike. -
Coxey's army
March of thousand of unemployed people to the capital to demand the government to create more jobs.