First MP3 Player invented
Very clunky with only 32MB of memory. -
First portable MP3 player introduced
A new and exciting idea is introduced where you can now take music with you! -
First hard drive MP3 player introduced
More storage is added thanks to the hard drive. -
First Ipod invented
The style is more sleek and it has 5GB of memory. -
Intel pocket concert introduced
The pocket concert was popular but did not last long as Intel discontinued their electronic line. -
Itunes invented
Exclusively made for the Ipod and has a wide range of song selection. -
Ipod nano inroduced
Originally a replacement for the Ipod mini; used flash memory. -
The Zune is introduced
Microsoft introduces their new MP3 player hoping to compete with apple. -
Ipod touch intoduced
Apple releases a new touch screen ipod with 8GB of memory and an app store. -
Ipod 6th generation introduced
The newest addition to the Ipod. Retails for $200- $400 depending on the amount of storage purchased.