The 19th Admendment in the U.S. Constitution was adopted.
The 19th Admendment sstates that the U.S. Constitution prohibits any U.S. citizen form being denied to voted on the basis of sex. The Constitution allows states to determine the qualification for voting, and until 1910 most states disenfranchised women. -
KDKA in Pittsburgh
The KDKA was the first commercially licensed radio station. The KDKA was the first official station to start a radio boom across the world. -
Congress enacts Emergency Quota Act
The Emergency Quotta Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number if residents form that same country living in the U.S. as of the U.S. Census of 1910. The Act mean't that only people of Northern Europe who had similar cultures to that of America were likely to get in. -
The boll weevil ruins more than 85% of the South's cotton crop
A boll weevil is a beetle that feeds on cotton buds and flowers. It migrated in to the United States from Mexico in the late 19 century and had infested all of U.S. cotton growing areas by the late 1920's devastating the industry and the people working in the American south. -
The stock market begins in spectacular rise
In 1924 sales were booming. Which were causing the stalk market to rise drastically. -
Ku Klux Klan stage a major march through Washigton D.C. Scopes trial takes place in Dayton, Tennessee.
The parade itself marshaled from 50,000 to 60,000 white robed men and women. -
Langston Hughes publishes "The Weary Blues".
Langston Hughes was known as one of the most prominent and influential figures of Harlem Renaissnce, a rebirth movement of African Americans in the arts during the 1920's. Hughes wrote about the world around him. -
Sacco and Venzetti are executed.
Saco and Vanzetti were executed. Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic, he flyes non stop to New York to Paris the from Paris to New York, he comleted the first ride across the Atlantic Ocean by his self. -
Herbert Hoover is elected U.S. president.
The Presidential election was held on Tuesday November, 6 1928. Herbert Hoover was nominated as the Republican candidate, as incumbent President Calvin Coolidge chose not to run for a second full term.