Time line of my life

  • Ronald Regan was born future President and actor

    Ronald Regan was born on this date in history
    Later becomes the 40th president of the united
    States of America
  • Harlem Globe Trotters Established

    on the 7th of the basketball team Harlem Globe
    Trotters was established in 1927 there first game
    Was played in Chicago
  • First World Cup

    On this date the first every world cup was hosted
    In Uruguay. The two first ever matches where
    France v Mexico which ended up being 4-1 to
    France. The other games was united states of
    America v Belgium where USA won 3-0.
  • Manchester United Munich air disaster

    Munich air disaster in 1958. The Munich air disaster
    Was a plane crash killing twenty-three people
    Which included 8 Manchester United players. Who
    Just qualified for the European cup semi-finals.
  • president lyndon Johnson pushed for voting for all

    President Lyndon Johnson addressed a session
    To urge legalization for voting for all. The speech
    Was made eight days after a racial violence
    Erupted in Alabama.
  • West and East Germany unite

    East and West Germany reunite after 45 years. on
    The 3rd of October 1990. Which is now known as
    Unity day Germany.
  • 3rd of October

    on this day i was born in the Calvary Hospital in Hobart on the 3rd of October
  • First day of school

    During 2009 I had my first day of
    School at Lansdowne Crescent
    Primary school.
  • Broken arm

    I broke my arm at my house.
    How I broke my arm was by falling
    Down the stairs in my house.
  • first soccer match

    During two thousand and ten, I played
    My first sport for the school which
    Was soccer. My team was called
    West Hobart White.
  • fifa world cup 2010

    Fifa world cup hosted in south Africa. The winner
    Was Spain in extra time against the Netherlands
    The goal scorer was Andres Iniesta that goal
    Won the game. 2010
  • First skiing trip to Japan

    First time going to japan. We went
    Skiing, sightseeing and also went to
    Disney land
  • broken Leg skiing in New Zealand

    I broke my leg skiing in New Zealand.
    On the first day of the holidays on the
    First, run.
  • Going To Europe

    In 2014 my family went to Europe because papa my grand pa
    wanted to spend time with us. we went to many places such as
    England, France, Italy, Greece and
    Finally Turkey
  • 2014 World cup Brazil

    Brazil hosted the world cup where Germany beat
    Argentina 1-0 in stoppage time the goal scorer was
    Mario Götze winning their fourth world cup
  • First day of high school at Hutchins

    The first day of high school at Hutchins.
    My mentor was Mr. Gard and also
    Had Design and Tech with Mr bug also
    Sose with Mr. Leonard and English
    With Mr. Lucas.