Time Line Ecography

By mjja
  • What is the evolution?

    What is the evolution?
    -The evolution of this machine is that it has evolved from 2d to 5d.
    -The 2D
    On June 7, 1958.
  • Who invented it ?

    Who invented it ?
    -In 1959,Satomura report the use,of the ultrasonic Doppler in the evaluation of the peripheral arteries.In 1960,Donald developed the first automatic scanner,which turned out to be impractical because of the cost. In 1960, Howry introduced the use of the Mechanical Sectorial Transducer (hand held scanner).
  • What is it ?

    What is it ?
    -Ultrasound is a procedure that allows us to obtain images of many of the structures of our body through ultra frequency waves.
    -The sonographer will spread a gel on your skin and slide an instrument, similar to a microphone, called a transducer, into your abdomen, asking you to collaborate with your breath when instructed.
  • What is the evolution ?

    What is the evolution ?
    -The 3D
    Since the late 80s and early 90s.
  • What is the evolution?

    What is the evolution?
    -The 4D
    The 14 of agost de 2015
  • What is the evolution?

    What is the evolution?
    -The 5D
    At the end of 2018 and 2019.