Johannes Amos Comenius
first to formulate idea of "education according to nature" and influence was that on the subject matter and method of education, exerted through a series of textbooks of an entirely new nature. -
John Locke Strongly
emphasized the importance of first-hand experiences as means of learning. Locke felt that experience was education; he proposed that children were like blank page sor wax that should be molded and shaped by experience. -
completed the first illustrated book for children
Jacques Rousseau
Jacques Rousseau believed that young children did not need "schools", but should be allowed to develop naturally. -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
He believed that a child learns by hands-on experiences and that they think differently than an adult does. -
Friedrich Froebel
Established first kindergarten in Germany in 1837. He said kindergarten was a garden of children, garden for children, where they can grow and develop in freedom. Froebel is given credit for finding the true nature of play and regulating it to lead naturally to work. -
Pestalozzi wrote a book "How Gertrude Teaches Her Children".
He believed in putting what's "right" before what's "correct", when teaching. -
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
Elizabeth opened a private school in Mass in 1820, another in Boston in 1822, and another in 1825 in Brookline, Mass. She probably was the first woman book publisher in the U.S.. Peabody was very active in reform having supported black and Indian causes. She was influenced by Froebel method, and in the late 1800's she edited the "Kindergarten Messenger". She was also the President of American Froebel Union in 1877, which she organized. -
Nursery School
The first Nursery School was opened in England in 1816. The program, which encouraged unstructured play, was a model for late programs -
Stanley Hall Stanley
Stanley Hall Stanley published Adolescence 1904 & Educational Problems in 1911. He was an American psychologist who focused on the educational needs of adolescents. He also created the Child Study movement with Arnold Gesell. -
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget In 1920's while employed at the bidet Institute piglet's job was to develop French versions of questions on English intelligence tests. He became intrigued by wrong answers given by children that required logical thinking. He was the first psychologist to study cognitive develop, defined distinct stages of children's cognitive development. -
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori opened a school based upon the theory that children learn best by themselves in the proper environment -
B.F. Skinner
He was one of the key theorists of the 1940's. His theory was that children learn through experience -
Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura developed the social learning theory and that behaviors can be learned through observation and modeling. He created the famous Bobo doll experiment that proved children learned by observation. -
Head start Programs
Head start Programs were launched he int 1960's for low-income children. -
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Children are starting to become recognized as persons with rights of their own. Courts and social service agencies are becoming particular defenders. -
Child-Centered Education
Guiding Principles of Child-Centered EducationAll children have the right to an education that helps them achieve to their fullest potential.Every child is unique and we have to be respectful of its differences.Children are active participants in their education so they need to be mentally and physically involved.Children's ideas and interests should be considered when planning the activities. -
No Child Left Behind Act
Was put into place by the administration under President Bush. -
Operation Military Child care
Operation Military Child care
Students in Parkersburg WV create a timeline reflecting the history of early childhood education which is posted on xtimeline2005 Operation Military Child care