Time Line

  • Democritus

    He said everything was made of an atom. His method was that he cutt a piece of bread in half.
    Said that the atom had spikes on them.
  • Aristotle

    Descoverd air,earth,fire,and water and that you will always have a smaller atom. 340bc
  • Dalton

    Said the first atom was made up of little particles. He used his imagnation on how the atoms looked.
  • Thomson

    He discoverd that electrons are in an atom and that electrons are smaller than atoms.
  • Rutherford

    Discoverd nucleus most of atom is empty space. He did the gold foil experiment.
  • Bohr

    Said that electrons orbit around the nucleus.
    Made a Plantary Model and called it the Bohr Model.
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    Found the electron in an certain place.
    He did an Mathmatical Model and called it the "Quantum Mechanical model.