time line Aitana

  • Aitana is born

    Aitana is born
    In 1999 Aitana Ocaña was born a famous Spanish singer-songwriter
  • Learn to sing

    Learn to sing
    Aitana learns to sing from a very young girl, goes to singing lessons and some instrument.
    Here she is singing to her relatives at 11.
  • OT

    This is the moment when Aitana becomes popular or well-known. This is the moment when you go to the famous Reality Show Operation Triumph.
  • OT duration

    OT duration
    OT 2017 lasted about 3 months
    October 23, 2017 to February 5
    Aitana's second.
  • His first song

    His first song
    She creates her first song called Ard eya while at the OT academy
  • Other songs by Aitana

    Other songs by Aitana
    Aitana has made more songs like Feeling, Nothing Comes Out More,