
Time Line Activity: Presidents and More

  • Constitution was drafted

    Constitution was drafted
    The fifty-five delegates who met in the Old State House (Independence Hall) in Philadelphia did more than revise the Articles: they drafted a new document as a replacement. From May 14th through September 17th, they considered plans and proposals for creating a stronger, more centralized system of government. To avoid public pressure and potential protests, they deliberated in secret. Nevertheless, a number of delegates, in particular James Madison of Virginia, did take notes of the proceedings.
  • George Washington becomes preisident

    George Washington becomes preisident
    -voted unanimously
    -1st president of U.S. after the revolution
    - April 30, 1789
  • Bill of rights drafted

    Bill of rights drafted
    by James madison
  • Establishment of 3 cabinets

    Establishment of 3 cabinets
  • John Adams becomes president

    John Adams becomes president
    -voted as the 2nd president of america
  • The XYZ affair

    The XYZ affair
    In 1797, Adams sent three ministers to try and work things out. However, the French would not accept the ministers. Instead, the French Minister Talleyrand sent three men to ask for $250,000 in order to resolve their differences. This event became known as the XYZ Affair and caused public uproar against France. Adams had to act quickly to avoid war by sending another group of ministers to France to try and preserve the peace. This time they were able to meet and come to an agreement allowing the
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president
    -Voted the 3rd president of america
  • The Louisiana Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the largest and most extraordinary land purchase in the history of the United States. It was also the cheapest (per square mile).
  • James Madison becomes president

    James Madison becomes president
    -The 4th president of the US
  • War of 1812 begins

    War of 1812 begins
    It all started out with the british arming the Indians with weapons, then, the british and indians teamed up and it created a war. Even when the Americans won, the Inians kept fighting for what was rightfully their land.
  • War of 1812 ends: The Battle of New Orleans.

    War of 1812 ends: The Battle of New Orleans.
    This was the end of the War of 1812
  • James Monroe becomes president

    James Monroe becomes president
    -The 5th president of America
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    There was also the Missouri Compromise, which really helped the U.S., it allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter the Union as a free state. The Compromise also drew an imaginary line at 36 degrees 30 minutes north latitude, dividing the new Louisiana Territory into two areas, one north and one south. All of the Louisiana Territory north of that line was free territory, meaning that any territories that became states from this area would ena
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    -made by Monroe and J.Q. Adams
    -It states that no European power can declare sovereign territory anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, out of concern for the security of the United States. It was introduced in 1823, and set that any such colonization of land or interference of any kind with the affairs of the United States in the Western Hemisphere would be considered an act of aggression and dealt with militarily. The Doctrine has been reminded of, and has saved the United States many times.
  • John Quicy Adams becomes president

    John Quicy Adams becomes president
    -first president to be a former president's son
    -6th president of america
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    In 1828, the so-called "tariff of abominations" was passed. Its goal was to protect domestic manufacturing.
  • Andrew Jackson become president

    Andrew Jackson become president
    7th president of america
  • The Indian Removal Act of 1830

    The Indian Removal Act of 1830
  • National Bank vetoed

    National Bank vetoed
  • The Addition of new state

    The Addition of new state