4000 BCE
(2,000,000 BC to 3,500 years BC)
It is estimated that in this period appeared the human being, was discovered the fire, the agriculture and the beginnings of the cattle ranch. -
3500 BCE
Old age
Old age = (From 3,500 years BC to the 5th century D.C)
It is estimated that the writing was created. -
Average age
Average age = (From the 5th Century to the 15th Century)
America was discovered and the feudal era began. -
First effective steam engine (Thomas Newcomen)
In 1698, the English mechanic Thomas Savery (1650-1715) built a machine for pumping water from the Cornish mines, this being the first time that steam pressure was used as a driving force for industrial use. -
First submarine, David Bushnell
In 1775 David Bushnell, constructed the first really conceived submarine Appearance of the Turtle of David Bushnell to attack an enemy warship. The boat called "Turtle", because it resembled a sea turtle that floated vertically in the water. -
Invention of the copy press, James Watt
The first copies of originals date back to 1780, when James Watt made the James Wattprensa Flatbed Press which made a copy from an absorbent paper treated with a fixative solution. The copy was printed on the copier, blank onion paper. -
Telegraph, Claude Chappe
Claude Chappe (1763-1805) was a French inventor. In 1792 he demonstrated a practical system of the first telegraphic machine of Claude Chappetelegrafía optic that extended by all France. This was the first practical telecommunications system, and Chappe can be considered the first communications tycoon. -
First battery, Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (1745-1827) Italian physicist, who developed the electric pile in 1800.
The unit of electromotive force of the International System of Units has been named voltio in his honor since 1881.
In 1794, he began experimenting with metals only, and concluded that animal muscle tissue was not necessary to produce electric current. In 1800, the operation of the first electric battery certified Volta's theses. -
Electric motor, Michael Faraday
He discovered electromagnetic induction, which has allowed the construction of generators and electric motors, and the laws of electrolysis.
First public rail line in England
The first public railway in the world, in the north-east of England, was inaugurated in 1825.
In Britain, the cradle of the train, the first railway line, Liverpool-Manchester, was opened in 1830, a little over 40 km long. In its construction, many of the elements that define the layout of the modern railroad come together. -
Grávame bell -
Galttileb Damler -
Motor diesel
Rodolf Diesel -
Rantgon -
Aéreo plane
Brother's wriglit -
Personal computer
Bill Gates anda Steve Jobs -
Braun -
Cellphon intelligent by Jobs