time line

  • AUDION tube

    AUDION tube
    it is essentially the very first amplifier to help push waves further and further by providing power to the signal
  • 1st broadcast

    1st broadcast
    *KDKA (1020) in Pittsburgh becomes the very first radio station in the US in 1920 - still in operation today
  • making real money

    making real money
    WEAF aired a 10 minute broadcast for an apartment complex charging $50 Stations had to figure out how much to charge for produced commercials *The previous way to make money on the radio was to get people to buy the actual radio
  • FCC

    *In the late 1920’s, the Federal Radio Commission was created to
    help clean up station broadcast chaos Anyone with the equipment and the know how, could broadcast their signal wherever they wanted - cause tons of crossover *FRC (later the Federal Communication Commission) decided to create call letters, power limits & licensing of transmitters Need a license to broadcast - preventing paying radio stations from being overtaken ‘signal wise’ by “Uncle Charlie” stations
  • end of radio

    The invention and explosion of TV caused radio to lose audiences and advertising money, so program directors shaped radio into what it is today...MUSIC!!!! People could only get music in a few places and radio stations playing it during the day allowed people to listen to it without having to pay complete attention