time line

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    Willis Roberts became a prosperous farmer and eventually married Mary Marthaline Hunt. They had eight children born between 1803 and 1819.

  • Abraham Jones's 1837 land-grant certificate, signed by President Martin Van Buren, is typical of those issued to the colonists of the Roberts Settlement.

  • In 1874 Benjamin Singleton and his associates formed the Edgefield Real Estate and Homestead Association in Tennessee

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    By 1874, Singleton and his associates had formed the Edgefield Real Estate and Homestead Association in Tennessee, which steered more than 20,000 black migrants to Kansas between 1877 and 1879.

  • "Exoduster Movement" of 1879, and in later years he was accorded the title "Father of the Exodus."

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    between 1879 and 1881, when about 60,000 African-Americans moved into Kansas

  • Singleton tried to establish a well-planned and organized movement to Kansas, but by 1879, the unruly, mass Exodus had overwhelmed his efforts.

  • In 1880 Singleton claimed to be “the whole cause of the Kansas immigration,“ in testimony before a U.S. committee on the “exodus to Kansas.”

  • In February of 1880, more than 900 black families from Mississippi reached St. Louis, en route to Kansas.

  • African-American journalist Robert Sengstacke Abbott (1868-1940) founded the Chicago Defender on May 6, 1905, with a capital totaling twenty-five cents

  • In 1909, Stephen Roberts Jr. (b. 1849), grandson of Willis Roberts, the first settler, was still buying cattle in Noblesville.

  • …" The Defender reached national prominence during the mass migration of blacks from the South during World War I, when the paper's banner headline for January 6, 1917, read "Millions to Leave South."

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    This chart shows a sampling of the industrial occupations of 21,547 black women in approximately seventy-five specific processes, at 152 plants, during the period December 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919

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    Between 1940 and 1970 continued migration transformed the country's African-American population from a predominately southern