Time line

  • Washing machine

    Washing machine
    Washing machine: The first washing machine was invented in 1797. The earliest special-purpose washing device was the scrub board.
  • fax machine

    fax machine
    Fax machine: The first fax machine was like a retraction clock and use plates to made dots like a telegraph. It was invented in 1843, and could only be sent by post and was never great success.
  • dynamite

    Dynamite: A Swedish man name Alfred Nobel invented the dynamite in 1843.
  • toilet paper

    toilet paper
    Toilet paper was invented in 1857 by Joseph Gayetty who sold his medicated papers in packages of flat sheets. Though it was first in 1890 that toilet paper became commercially by the Scott Company.
  • First typewriter

    First typewriter
    First typewriter: The first real typewriter there use letters instead of braille. It was invented by the Danish pastor Rasmus Malling-Hansen in 1870. It was call “written ball”, and was never a success because it was difficult to use.
  • Lie detector

    Lie detector
    The lie detector or the polygraph was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson, who was a medical student at the university of California at Berkeley and a police offer of the Berkeley Police Department in Berkeley, California.
  • Bra

    The bra was invented in 1930 by the S.H company.