Tillman Timeline

  • Secret Plan Invasion of Iraq

    Secret Plan Invasion of Iraq
    President Bush/Vice President Cheney order Donald Rumsfeld to start creating secret plan of invasion of Iraq.
  • Invasion of Iraq discussed in UN

    Invasion of Iraq discussed in UN
    Colin Powell goes before UN to make case for invasion of Iraq
  • Tillman's Platoon Becomes QRF

    Tillman's Platoon Becomes QRF
    Tillman’s Platoon becomes QRF (Quick reaction force)
  • Toma-hawk missiles head toward Iraq

    Toma-hawk missiles head toward Iraq
    Three dozen Toma-hawk cruise missles thundered from their launching bays on warships in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea then headed towards Iraq.
  • Navy SEAL engages Qadisiayah Airbase

    Navy SEAL engages Qadisiayah Airbase
    Tillman’s Platoon goes with Navy’s SEAL Team Six to engage Qadisiyah Airbase without Pat and Kevin Tillman