Images (31)

Tiffany Colorado Guerrero

  • 21


    I often go to racers events where you get to ride different racers and motors too I went to syomoree that event was huge so many people went and my family loves racers event my unlce is the one that plans them out and sees if new events are coming up on Facebook i think we are going to an event in 2 weeks
  • December 5th 2005

    December 5th 2005
    I was born on December 5th, 2005 I am from Mesa Arizona at the hospital called Mesa General Hospital but closed down
  • My Birthdays

    My Birthdays
    Every year for my birthday I would have my party at pioneer park and each year my mom would dress me up as a Disney princess I have been all Disney Princess and I lived in Park Village Apartments my whole childhood.
  • Park Village

    Park Village
    I lived in park village all my childhood until I was in 6th grade and I have to move I loved living there it was the best I was friends with every kid in my apartments we would all come out and play cops and robs while it was raining and we would also play offices like we were working in a large business, hide and seek and way more games best game of all was ding don ditch until everyone started to move and my family also moved and good thing I am still friends with all of my childhood friends.
  • Parents Wedding

    Parents Wedding
    My mom and dad got married and my whole family from both sides came from Mexico to Arizona to Celebrate my parents wedding they might not gotten married in white but at least they got to get married the best part was the huge party it was an awesome time.
  • Got my dog

    Got my dog
    I got my first own dog and I named him Luke because I was obsessed with Disney Channel the tv show called Jessie I like the kid Luke ross that why I named him he's 5 years old right now and I love my dog so much it was a gift from my dad and mom
  • Went to Colorado

    Went to Colorado
    I got to go to Colorado to see family that lives over there and go to see the places where my mom and dad meet and where they went on dates got to meet new cousins and meet the sown for the first time.
  • Best Friend

    Best Friend
    I was in 7th grade went I met my best friend Julissa from my friend Sarah she was shy so I had to start talking and days pass and we got close and we became besties since then Julissa and I have been best friends she is a wonderful friend and I glad I met her and we became close friends. We have been besties for over 4 years!!
  • My Family

    My Family
    My dad got volunteered deportation and he went to Mexico and the day he left was the worst day ever I thought that I was going to lose everything but I am so thankful my mom work so hard to bring us up and we had a wonderful family that helps us out and my dad is still in Mexico he has been in Mexico around 2 years and a half got to see him this summer he's doing amazing like my mom and sister we are doing incredible
  • Moving Car came inside my house

    moving car came into my house and it was so bad because my next-door neighbors were loud and 10 people were living in a apt on next thing you know I was sleeping in the living room with my older sister because I stay up all night seeing movies and it was around 2 am and I was staying up to get snacks and then I see the moving car driving into my window and then the cops came but the next 2 weeks we moved out and went to live with my aunt for a little for 2 months then we got our house.
  • My grandma pass away

    My grandma pass away
    My beautiful grandma die of covid 19 the day I get home from a quinceanera my mom talks to me slow saying that my dad just called saying that my grandma has passed away that day I was crying a lot and the next day after I got to talk to my dad he said that she died in the bathroom from the hospital. I am so glad my dad was there at Mexico to say goodbye to her and lucky we are all doing great and my grandpa is going good
  • Cousin

    My favorite cousin came to live in Arizona from New Mexico and we are like best friends we been very close to each other and we go out a lot together
  • Grandma Party

    I got to go to Mexico for my Grandma birthday it was really fun banda came there was a bull game and got to make new friends at Mexico and I went with my cousins and it was so much fun
  • Ciudad Juarez Mexico And San Luis Postosi Mexico

    Ciudad Juarez Mexico And San Luis Postosi Mexico
    I went to Mexico to visit my mom side of the family and got to see my cousins and grandparents last time I went was this June I got to see my dad and went to my dad family also and meet my grandpa for the first time it's really beautiful got to see where both of my parents grew up
  • Car Crash

    I got in a car crash the night before the first day of school and i didn't came to school.
  • Las Vegas

    Las Vegas
    I got to Las Vegas for 4 days during Oct break and it was fun I got to go with my family and got to hangout with my favorite cousins.
  • Arizona Sate Fair

    Arizona Sate Fair
    I went to Arizona State fair with my groups of friends we had a great time I was kinda 3 wheeling but it was okay haha but yes i had a great time