printing creation
Johannes Gutenberg.
I choose the printing creation because is a very important advance for all the history and without the printing nothing would be like it is, if the printing haven't been invented the people doesen't create books that fast and the new technologys wouldn't be around the world. -
lightning rod
benjamin franklin,
it serves for catch the thunders for save the people -
steam train
it was created by Richard Trevithick, it serves to go faster to the places -
Joseph Henry invented the telegraph but samuel morse give the impulse with the code call morse -
sewing machine
the sewing machine was created in 1851 by Isaac Merritt Singer and it was used to sew -
Alexander Graham Bell create the first telephone that transmitted sounds through a cable with electrical signals. -
light bulb
thomas edison create the first light bulb after buy Woodward y Evans. it could give 600h of light more less -
karl benz create the first car with engine that serves for go to the places faster and with out going with other people -
the radio was created by: Guillermo Marconi, William Dubilier and Reginald Fessenden but they patent the idea, the ``real´´ creator is Nikola Tesla -
in 1926 John Logie Baird invented the first TV that was used like the new TV -
the first computer was created by Charles Babbage in 1947 -
Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf created the internet that nowadays we used practically for all -
mobile phone
in 1973 Martin Cooper, Donald Cox and Eric Tigerstedt create the first mobile phone -
the first smartphone was created in 1992 by IBM and it was called Simón -
in 1998 Larry Page and Serguéi Brin create google -
in 1999 John O'Sullivan, Terence Percival, Diethelm Ostry, John Deane and Graham Daniels create the famous WI-FI -
mark zuckerberg create in 2004 facebook, for me is the last thing because since hear all the social webs are similar to facebook, the mobile phones are the same but updated and I think that there is not important inventions since hear