Tiberius image


By akphilp
  • 42 BCE


    First born son to Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia Drusilla
  • Period: 42 BCE to 13

    Early life

  • 38 BCE

    Octavian marries Livia

    Livia marries Octavian. Tiberius brought into Octavian's household at the forefront of power in Rome
  • 32 BCE

    Natural father's funeral

    Presents the eulogy at Tiberius Claudius Nero's funeral. Displays his confidence and speaking ability from age of 10
  • 31 BCE

    Triumphs from Battle of Actium

    Plays a key role in the triumphs of Octavian the now sole ruler of the roman world after his victory over Antony at the Battle of Actium
  • Period: 14 to 26

    Princeps in Rome

  • Period: 27 to 37

    Princeps in absentia to Death