
Tiananmen Square, May-June 1989

  • Zhao says student demands are "reasonable", hopes achievement through legal, democratic means

  • Emerging rift among students (which allows for Deng to gain support in the Party)

    older students that began the Democracy Movement wanted compromise with sympathetic leaders but young radical students didn't want anything to do with the government
  • Hundreds of young students occupy Tiananmen Square and begin a hunger strike

    cheered on large numbers of supporters. Goverment asked to stop because of Gorbachev's visit
  • Gorbachev arrives in China, students do not disperse

    500,000 people in Tiananmen Square. Gorbachev kept indoors for the remainder of his visit, Deng had to abandon parts of the official schedule. Thus was seen as very embarrassing for the Party
  • Li Peng hosts tv interview with student leaders and hunger strikers

    Students asked for greater democracy, and that the government should listen to the people's demands. However, Politburo already decided no real dialogue would happen during this (really a cover, illusion of dialogue)
  • Morning: Zhao visits protesters at Tiananmen Square and makes a speech asking to end the hunger strike

    Apologises for the Politburo's actions and admitted they had made mistakes, and said the students demands and reactions were justified
  • Evening: Li Peng broadcasts announcing implementation of martial law to deal with 'rioting students'

    PLA troops moved to position in Beijing but didn't enforce martial law yet
  • Period: to

    Reactions to martial law: over 1 million people protested

    workers helped make barricades to prevent military action. Factories strike and Beijing transport was disrupted
  • Period: to

    Goddess of Democracy statue built and raised by art students at Tiananmen Square

    A symbol of hope and the protesters' aims, was erected opposite of the official painting of Mao at Tiananmen gate. People in the Square increased to 300,000, and more people began siding with pro-democracy activists
  • Reactions: Deng and Li finally take action

    Trade union and workers leaders in support of the protests were arrested, and 200,000 politically reliable troops from outside Beijing and appointed by the government moved to the city
  • new troops placed around the Square, control routes to and from it

  • First shots fired, all protesters tried to prevent the troops from reaching the Square

  • Period: to

    Midnight: Deng tells the army to take "all necessary measures" to retake control of the Square

    Troops and tanks cleared the Square and ended demonstrations. All who tried to stay were shot (1500-7000 killed). Most casualties outside the Square attempting to stop them from reaching it
  • Tiananmen Square occupation and demonstrations officially ended