20080219 tiananmen square

Tiananmen Square Massacre

  • demand for political reform in china

    demand for political reform in china
    students from all around china perform demonstartios demanding for a democracy and opposing the Chinese communists party which was and still is the ruling political party of China. This was the reason for the protests
  • Hu Yaobang dies

    Hu Yaobang dies
    Hu Yaobang dies of a heart attack. Memorials are held around beijing and other cities which essentially escalate into the tiannmen protests
  • editorial and protest

    editorial and protest
    a peoples day editorial was published in and broadcasted in the chinese media. it contained an article stating that the protests were a conspiracy and described it as turmoil. this nagered the students causing further demonstrations.
  • protests

    100,00 chinese students gathered in tiananmen square and ptotested
  • hunger strikes begin

    hunger strikes begin
    Students decide to starve themselves to show just how much they want liberty, hoping that it would help in their favour.
  • martial law is declared

    martial law is declared
    the chinese government decided that military action was their only option to stop the protests. This meant sending in armed soldiers with tanks forcing the students away in a violent and horrific manor.
  • Goddess of Democracy

    Goddess of Democracy
    students created a 10 ft tall paper mache' statue called 'the goddess of Democracy" symbolising liberty which they desired. the statue attracted a lot of attention
  • violence in tiananmen square

    violence in tiananmen square
    troops received orders to reclaim Tiananmen Square at all cost, Tanks and soldiers were sent into the square where they killed an arrested citizens to stop the protests.
  • the massacre begins

    the massacre begins
    the government takes action by getting military and security police to stop the protests by killing and aresstings thousands of students.
  • The Tankman

    The Tankman
    a man stood in front of a column of chinese tanks the morning after the military violently removed the protestors from the square. this act created worldwide recognition.