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Thussu Chronology

  • 3000 BCE

    Early Egyptian Hieroglyphs

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1150

    Ancient Era to Early Middle Ages

    First global links are established in Asia and then spread to other continents.
  • 600

    Book printing invented in China.

  • 618

    Ti Pao

    Ti Pao
    China's T'ang Dynasty - the ti pao or 'official newspaper' to disseminate information to the elite.
  • 868

    Translation of the Diamond Sutra

    Translation of the Diamond Sutra
    868AD - Chinese translation of the Sanskrit text Diamond Sutra, the world's earliest dated book printed on paper in China.
  • 1150

    Paper arrives in Europe

    1150AD - Arabs bring paper from China to Europe.
  • 1453

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
    1453 - Gutenberg Bible printed
  • Period: 1453 to

    Late Middle Ages to the 19th Century

    Appearance of printing, newspapers, telegraph and freedom of the press.
  • Freedom of Press

    1791 - First Amendment of the US Constitution provides model for freedom of press. The Observer, Britain’s oldest surviving Sunday newspaper, established.
  • The Telegraph in The Civil War

    The Telegraph in The Civil War
    1860 - Telegraph is widely used to distribute news accounts of US Civil War. England and India linked by Telegraph.
  • Technological improvement

    1866 - First transatlantic cable becomes operational. Typewriter invented.
  • News Cartels

    News Cartels
    1870 - News agency cartel (Havas/Reuters/Wolff) divides up world market
  • Radio

    1917 - Radio used to announce victory of communist revolution
  • Period: to

    20th Century - First Half

    Mass propaganda
  • Comrades and CEOs around the world

    1919 - Soviet Russia begins international broadcasting. First transnational US communications conglomerate.
  • BBC goes live

    BBC goes live
    1927 - BBC founded.
  • Propaganda goes viral

    Propaganda goes viral
    1933 - Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment of the People under Goebells. First ‘Fireside Chats’. Radio Luxembourg, Europe’s first major commercial broadcaster.
  • Paperbacks start rolling

    1939 - Paperback books start publishing revolution.
  • Candidates on the telly

    Candidates on the telly
    Nixon-Kennedy debates televised. NASA launches ECHO-I, first telecommunications satellite. In-flight movies introduced on airlines.
  • Period: to

    20th Century - Second Half

    Two World Orders, Two Opposing Ideologies, TV and Satellite

    1973 - First steps towards New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) debate.
  • TV killed...

    1974 - Opinion polls show that TV overtakes newspapers as prime source of news for most Americans.
  • We're Live with CNN

    1980 - CNN, world’s first all-news network.
  • The Time's yours, CNN

    The Time's yours, CNN
    1996 - CNN becomes part of Time Warner, making it the world’s biggest media corporation.
  • World Wide War

    1999- World Wide Web used for propaganda during NATO’s war in Kosovo.
  • 9/11

    Terrorist attacks in New York and Washington media spectacle. Intelsat privatized. AI-Jazeera becomes internationally known for its coverage from Afghanistan. Videophones used. Shanghai Media Group, China's first media conglomerate, formed. Wikipedia launched
  • Fox News at the Top

    Fox News at the Top
    2002 - Fox News redefines broadcast journalism. MySpace launched. Fahrenheit 9/11 becomes most successful documentary film.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

    Too Global?
    Two personal additions - 2016 and 2019.
  • Rise of Social Media

    Rise of Social Media
    2005 - Mobile phones exceed fixed lines. Podcasting, YouTube, News Corporation acquires MySpace.
  • Globalism intensifies

    AI-Jazeera starts international service in English. Inmarsat launches Broadband Global Area Network. Google buys YouTube

    2016 - Fake news dominate media landscape through social media.
  • Who makes the News?

    Who makes the News?
    2019 - Conservative Party changes Twitter handle to fact-checking account during live TV debate, creates Lo-Fi YouTube mix, uses Comic Sans and ‘Tory Power Poses’. Labour Party implements videos pointing towards Prime Minister’s inaccuracies, memes, 60 second manifesto explanations and uncover document concerning Conservative manifesto.