Throughout history, people have began discovering things, making things, and doing things that affects the world resulting in one huge global village with mixed elements.

  • Period: to

    Innovations of inventions

    "Industries began to use computers and silicon chips to run assembly lines. A variety of consumer products such as microwave ovens, telephones, keyboard instruments, and cars today use computers and chips. Personal computers have become essential in most offices, and millions of people around the globe use personal computers in their homes." (Pearson, 943) Consumer products gets powered by small, but powerful chips, making things easier to use or carry.
  • Free Trade

    Free Trade
    "After World War II, many national leaders felt that economic
    cooperation among countries across the world would be key to peace and prosperity. The idea of free trade, which is the elimination of trade barriers such as tariffs among nations, began to gain acceptance." (Pearson, 947) The idea of free trade was that all countries would be in peace if they don't start taxing each other, which is a globalization step of all countries cooperating with each other.
  • How plastic shaped the world.

    How plastic shaped the world.
    "In the 1950s, a process to develop plastics at low pressures and low temperatures was perfected. Within a few years, industries made toys, cooking utensils, containers, and a host of other products easily and cheaply out of plastics. The plastics industry boomed." (Pearson, 945) The invention of plastic took the world one step further with globalization with items that are easier and cheaper to make. It saves time and money.
  • Global Communications

    Global Communications
    "With satellite communication, the world was gradually transformed into a global village. Today, political and cultural events occurring in one part of the world often are witnessed live by people in other places...The linking of the globe through worldwide communications
    was made possible by the miniaturization of the computer." (Pearson, 942) When satellites were sent into space, people are managing to communicate with each other more often turning Earth into a huge global village.
  • The cooperation between USA and Soviet Union

    The cooperation between USA and Soviet Union
    "In 1972, more than 15 years before the end of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union signed an agreement. Their goal was to work toward docking Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft in space. Not only did the American and Soviet staffs have to work out engineering problems, they also had to learn each other’s language." (Pearson, 941) The USA and Soviet Union cooperated and sent spacecrafts together into space, which is a globalization step and countries getting together.