Schermata 2022 08 30 alle 12.47.42

Periods of Shakespeare’s works

  • Fist period - plays of sperimentation

    The first period of Shakespeare’s was a phase of experimentation.
  • Henry VI

  • Richard III

  • The commedy of Errors

  • Love's Labour's Lost

  • Second period - Historical plays and Great comedies

    The second period lasted from 1600 to 1607 and during this phase Shakespeare developed a harsh vision of existence.
  • Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, A Midsummer Night's dream

  • The Merchant of Venice

  • Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V

  • Julius Ceasar, As You Like It

  • Third period - Great tragedies

  • Hamlet

  • Macbeth, King Lear

  • Antony and Cleopatra

  • The last period - last plays

  • Cymbeline

  • The Winter's Tale

  • The Tempest