Three Phases of Reconstruction

  • Lincolns Reconstruction Plan- 10% Plan

    A southern state could he readmitted into the Union once 10% of its voters (From 1860) swore an pith of allegiance to the Union.
    Re-typed 10% plan of action
  • Period: to

    1st Phase: Lincolns Reconstruction

    President Abraham Lincolns Reconstruction driven ideas
  • Special Field Order 15

    Special Field Order 15
    William T. Sherman set aside a large strip of land along the coastal area of South Carolina and Georgia for the specific settlement for black families.
    This was an amazing opportunity for those who could do it, although, most former slaves had little economic support and had to resort to working on a plantation once again.
  • President Lincolns Death

    President Lincolns Death
    John Wilkes Booth assassinated the 16th President on April 14th, 1865.
    He was killed while attending a play at Ford’s theatre in Washington D.C This a political cartoon depicting the moment of Abraham Lincoln's death.
  • Freedmans Bureau
    Bureau of Freedom, Refugees and Abandoned Lands. Issued emergency food, clothes and shelter for the homeless people during the war.
    They were charged with creating a project movement education program for freed slaves.
    As a result of the failure of the Bureau, the establishment of the Sharecropping System became the new economic dependency of the former farmer/slave owners.
  • “Great Constitutional Revolution” concept introduced by Carl Schurz

    Schurz was a strong supporter and advocate for African American rights.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    13th Amendment was ratified on December 1865. South had to agree to be readmitted to the union.
    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place
    subject to their jurisdiction
  • Civil Rights Bill

    Civil Rights Bill
    Civil Rights Bill of 1866
    Passed by Congress on April 9th, 1866.
    Declared that all persons born in the United States were citizens, regardless of race, color and previous condition.
  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
    Organization in pursuit of white supremacy. First group was founded immediately after the Civil War up until around 1870. Present day Klan started around 1915.
    Original Klan was comprised of Confederate veterans in Tennessee in 1866.
  • Scalawags

    Scalawags are any Southerner who was in support of the federal plan of Reconstruction, or anyone who was in support or joined the black freedman organization.
  • Black Codes

    Set of laws passed by southern states after the war with the intent of restricting African American peoples freedom and forcing them to work in labor based economy for low wage to pay off debt.
  • Period: to

    2nd Phase: Presidential

    Presidential (Johnson)
  • Reconstruction Act

    Reconstruction Act
    Divided the south into 5 military districts and outlined how new governments would be established regardless of racial suffrage.
    This began the period of Radical/Congressional Reconstruction. This put a lot of pressure on southern republican governments.
  • Impeachment of President Johnson

    Impeachment of President Johnson
    Took office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
    His impeachment was a direct correlation with his lenient policies of Reconstruction.
    The south took this into consideration alongside the Radical Republicans in congress which indefinitely led to his impeachment. He died in 1875.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    14th Amendment was passed by congress on June 1866 and brought equal national citizenship. This also denied former confederates the right to hold office and much like the 13th amendment, forced the south to ratify at the state level to allow re-admittance to the union.
    Granted suffrage to black males in the south, however split the women's suffrage movement.
  • Period: to

    3rd Phase

  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    5th Amendment was passed by congress on February 1869 and was ratified in 1870.
    Disabled the denial of voting rights due to race, color or previous servitude. Although, women were still not allowed to vote
  • Share Cropping

    Share Cropping
    Landowners allowing a tenant to use their land in return for a share of crops that was produced on that piece of land.
    With the economy being all discombobulated after the abolition of slavery, most white landowners established a new labor force with freed blacks seeking economic independence.
  • Slaughterhouse Cases

    Slaughterhouse Cases
    Legal dispute and Supreme court decision limiting the privileges and immunities of the 14th amendment.
    In 1873, this was the first altercation brought upon the 14th amendment and what it meant.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Enforcement Acts
    Three Criminal Code bills passed by Congress that protected African Americans right to vote, hold office, serve in juries and equal protection of laws.
    This solidified the 14th and 15th Amendments.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Enacted on March 1, 1875, this act prohibited racial discrimination in public areas and facilities like restaurants and public transportation. Later in 1883, the U.S supreme court declared the act unconstitutional for Civil Rights Cases.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    Collection of American politicians in the Republican party that lasted from 1854 to the end of Reconstruction around 1877.
    Their goal was to prevent the confederacy from returning to gaining power after the war and wanted the republican party to become a southern powerhouse. Also encouraged the federal government to help African Americans gain political equality.
  • Bargain of 1877

    Bargain of 1877
    Officially ended the Reconstruction Era.
    Informal, written deal that finally settled the 1876 Presidential election. This was seen as the second Corrupt Bargain and ended congressional Reconstruction.