aristotleHe discovered that everything was made of earth ,air,water,and fire and did not have method for it. He also did not believe in atoms. -
thomsonHe discovered that the atoms had electrons. He took the idea of the atom and stated, "in the model, the electrons are the smallest things and the rest are positive matter." They looked like raisins stuck on the surface of a lump of pudding. -
rutherfordRutherford discovered that atoms had electrons and he used a plum pudding model to make this discovery which looked like the solar system. -
bohrBohr discovered that the atom has a postively charged nucleus and electrons have stable orbiits around the nuclues. He used a quantized model of the atom to explain how electrons have stable orbits around the nucleus.The atoms looked like shells. -
hesienberg and schrodinger
heisenberg and schrodingerHe built off of bohr's model of the atom and created a mathmatical equation to show the disturbution of electrons and atoms. He discovered that you can find only the probability of where an electron can be , but it was not definite. The atoms looked like a nucleus with waves around it. -
democritusHe discovered that atoms were uncuttable and he discovered the atoms and used the microscope method and said that atoms were very small and visible.