
  • Birth

    In 2008 Thomas was born in Hamilton New Zealand
  • First words

    I said my first word in 2009 nobody remembers what it was all we remember is the year i said it.
  • First birthday

    I had my first birthday in 2009 and I got my first birthday present.
  • Holiday

    I had my first holiday in 2010. We went to Australia. I was really annoying.
  • Allergies

    In 2010 my parents found out that i was allergic to my dog we had to give him to my grandma.
  • Boyfriends

    I made my first friends in 2011 there names were Oscar and Harry
  • First birthday party

    I had my first birthday party at inflatable world with all my friends i got a pirate water toy for a present and a nerf gun in 2011.
  • Bike boy

    I got my first bike in 2012 and ended up crashing into the neighbours bushes the mark of my crash is still in those bushes today.
  • Old man

    Old man
    I started school in 2013 I was really nervous but atleast I had all of my friends as well.
  • Scooter man

    I got my first scooter in 2014 still had to learn how to ride it though.
  • Monkey bars

    in 2015 i had my first broken arm on the monkey bars at a park by my house i had to ride my bike home. My parents didn't believe me until we went to the doctors and got an x ray.
  • 2016

    This year we went on a holiday to alcatraz prison in America.
  • School pool

    We finally got a pool at our school in 2017
  • 2018

    I do not remember anything from 2018
  • Hot

    in 2019 we went to the hottest place on earth death valley it was 126 degrees fahrenheit which is 52 degrees celsius. This is the only place i took my jersey off.
  • Lockdown

    In 2020 we had a lockdown because of the coronavirus. It was boring.
  • Middle school

    I had my first year of middle school in 2020.